Translation of the song Stará Lou artist Kabát
Stará Lou
Old Lou
Já línej Bob a stará Lou,
Me - lazy Bob, and old Lou,
se táhnem po kraji,
we stroll this land
už tolik let a tolik dnů,
only God knows how many years, and how many days,
na turné po ráji.
to get to our tour [1] through heaven.
Tam z horskejch bystřin budem pít
There we will be drinking from the mountain streams,
a pod hvězdama spát,
and sleep under the stars.
mám rád ten vlídnej ranní klid,
I like that merry morning silence,
to kolikrát, když noční můry padnou,
that I got used to know - when the nightmares fade,
a opilci si lížou rány.
and drunkards are tending to their wounds.
Nad obzorem svítá,
je to za náma
Sun is rising on the horizon
a naše stará Lou,
and it is past us.
Lou, ten lektvar míchá
And old Lou,
a pak ho podává
Lou is brewing her magic potion,
a nám se nechce spát.
and then we drink it together,
Já línej Bob a stará Lou,
Me - lazy Bob, and old Lou,
ta parta podivná
that strange group.
sme lovci, zatoulanejch snů
We are hunters - of the lost dreams
a po cestách co bůhví kde až končí,
we travel the roads, that end only God know where,
se vláčíme a nad obzorem,
and ramble above the horizon.
Nad obzorem svítá,
je to za náma
Sun is rising on the horizon
a naše stará Lou,
and it is past us.
Lou, ten lektvar míchá
And old Lou,
a pak ho podává
Lou is brewing her magic potion,
a nám se nechce spát.
and then we drink it together,
Někdo si jen tak trochu dal,
Somebody took just a little,
jinej na dno hráb
somebody hit the bottom,
a rohatej se pousmál,
and the horned one [2] smiles,
spokojen, že zaťal dráp.
that he got somebody into his claws