Translation of the song V pekle sudy válej artist Kabát
V pekle sudy válej
They Roll The Barrels In Hell
Jede vlak no a my jedem v něm
The train is going, and we are in it
Vlak s ucpaným komínem
The train with the clogged chimney
Lidi řvou zmatkujou
People are screaming, they are confused
Kdo ví zda to přežijem
Who knows if we will survive
V pekle sudy válej
They roll the barrels in hell
Z kotle pára stoupá
The steam is rising from the boiler
Na stůl nám to dávej
Give it to the table
Ať to s náma houpá
So it will swing with us
Zastavit na to není čas
There is no time for stopping
Musíme jet na doraz
We have to go all the way
Připoutat nekecat
Fasten the seat belt, don't talk
Kdesi protrhla se hráz
The dam was ruptured somewhere
V pekle sudy válej
They roll the barrels in hell
Nejlíp to vydejchal
The best man to manage it
Mašinfíra s topičem
Was the engine-driver and the stoker
Jedou si na koksu
They are on the coke
A zatim neví o ničem
And they don't know about anything
Strojvůdce je starej satanáš
The engine-driver is an old Satan
Zve nás všechny na guláš
He invites all of us to goulash
Vítám vás jedem dál
Welcome, let's continue
Ty nemáš tak tady máš
You don't have some, here you are
Máme tu houby sušený
We've got dried mushrooms
Odvar z hlavy makový
Poppy head concoction
Ale jídelní vůz narvanej
But the dining car is overcrowded
No prostě věci takový
Well, the things like that
Každej z nás to jinak má,
Everyone is different
Tenhle spí, ten pospíchá.
This one is sleeping, this one is rushing
Záleží na každym,
It depends on everyone
Kdo jak si to namíchá.
How everybody mixes it