Translation of the song Ve věku X artist Kabát


Ve věku X

English translation

In the age of X

Není jich moc a ani málo.

They are not much and even not too little

Nemají to, co by je hnalo.

have nothing to drift them

Už se snaží o ústupky,

They're trying to concessions

taky kašlou na předsudky.

don't give a damn about preconception too

Žijou dál.

They're living on

Ve věku X

It the age of X

Hlídaj si svoji kasu,

They're guarding their cash box

maj jistej hlas.

Have certain voice.

Začli si vážit času,

They're starting appreciate the time

nechtěj lámat si vaz.

Don't want to break own neck

Ve věku X

In the age of X

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