Translation of the song Western Boogie artist Kabát


Western Boogie

English translation

Western Boogie

Lacinej bar, vedle řeka

Cheap bar, a river next to it

Na ní starej šíf

An old ship on the river

Okolo kouře jak rohatej

There was a smoke around, just like a horned one

By do ohně pliv

Would spit into the fire

Na baru holka, moje prokletí

Behind a bar there was a girl, my curse

Taková kvůli který

That kind of girl because of who

Chlapi mění závěti

Men change their testaments

Pak vešel on, starej Joe

And then old Joe came in

Zloděj koní a vrah

A thief of horses and a murderer

Já kolty nízko, tak

I had my colts so low, that

Že jsem na ně nedosáh

I couldn't reach them

„Hej, hombre!“ zaznělo do ticha

Hey, hombre! sounded in the silence

A pak mi napumpoval

And then he pumped me

Čtyři kule do břicha

Four bullets to the stomach

Tohle je western boogie

This is western boogie

O mojí smrti

About my death

Za chvíle s Tebou, holka, děkuju Ti

Thank you for the times I was with you, girl

Tolik olova, mami

As much lead, mum,

Co na hřbitově hrdinů

As heroes in the graveyard

Tohle je western boogie

This is western boogie

O tom jak to bylo

About what it was like

Trochu mi vadí, že se nedopilo

I feel a little bit disappointed, that we didn't drink up

A tak pánbůh s námi

So God with us

A pozdravujte rodinu

And give my regards to my family

Ta holka z baru

That girl from the bar

Co odveze ji na kole Joe

That will go on a bike with Joe

Zvedla mou hlavu

Lifted my head

A povídá mi na kolenou

And said to me on her knees

„Kdybys měl kolty

If you would have that colts

Jen o trochu výš

A little bit higher

Tak ne on, ale Ty se mnou spíš.“

Not him, but you would be sleeping with me.

Tohle je western boogie

This is western boogie

O mojí smrti

About my death

Za chvíle s Tebou, holka, děkuju Ti

Thank you for the times I was with you, girl

Tolik olova, mami

As much lead, mum,

Co na hřbitově hrdinů

As heroes in the graveyard

Tohle je western boogie

This is western boogie

O tom jak to bylo

About what it was like

Trochu mi vadí, že se nedopilo

I feel a little bit disappointment, that we didn't drink up

A tak pánbůh s námi

So God with us

A pozdravujte rodinu

And give my regards to my family

Tohle je western boogie

This is western boogie

O mojí smrti

About my death

Za chvíle s Tebou, holka, děkuju Ti

Thank you for the times I was with you, girl

Tolik olova, mami

As much lead, mum,

Co na hřbitově hrdinů

As heroes in the graveyard

Tohle je western boogie

This is western boogie

O tom jak to bylo

About what it was like

Trochu mi vadí, že se nedopilo

I feel a little bit disappointment, that we didn't drink up

A tak pánbůh s námi

So God with us

A pozdravujte rodinu

And give my regards to my family

Tohle je western boogie

This is western boogie

O mojí smrti

About my death

Za chvíle s Tebou, holka, děkuju Ti

Thank you for the times I was with you, girl

Tolik olova, mami

As much lead, mum,

Co na hřbitově hrdinů

As heroes in the graveyard

Tohle je western boogie

This is western boogie

O tom jak to bylo

About what it was like

Trochu mi vadí, že se nedopilo

I feel a little bit disappointment, that we didn't drink up

A tak pánbůh s námi

So God with us

A pozdravujte rodinu

And give my regards to my family

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