Translation of the song Zbabělec artist Kabát
To si povstal zařval pěstí bouch to sem si sed
So once stood, roared, slammed his fist, and I then sat down
do půllitru vnořil kalnej zrak
Plunge into pint glass hazy view
potom omlouval se říkal pardon já se splet
then apologized, he said: I´m sorry, I was wrong!
to gesto bylo jenom tak tak tak
This gesture was just so-so-so.
Celej život kejval jednou poručit si chtěl
Lifetime he served, once time command wanted
rázem ho polil slanej pot
suddenly it poured salty sweat,
polknul větu kterou na jazyku obracel
swallowed a phrase, by turning on the tongue
vždyť kolikrát mlčet přijde vhod
After all, how many times silence comes in handy.
On i kat sám se popraví
he and executioner himself executed
Když měl povstat nepovstal a klidně seděl dál
when he had to stand up, did not arise and calmly sat along
kde kdo si s chutí po něm pliv
where one likes to spit at him
bejt to někdo jinej už by rány rozdával
be someone else, he would like wounds distributed
on radši dal si pár piv
rather he gave a few beers
On i kat sám se popravil
he and executioner himself executed