Quan refila el cornetí
When the cornet trills
Es remou tot l'envelat,
The entire marquee grows excited,
Doncs ja es sap el que vol dir:
For people know what this means:
Que el Ball de Rams ha arribat!
That the Dance of the Bouquets has arrived!
No em faré pas el distret,
I won't pretend to be distracted,
Com acostuma a fer algú;
As some men tend to do;
Content, me'n gast un duret
Happily, I shall spend a few shillings
I et compraré el ram per tu!
And I will buy a bouquet to you!
Guarda el ram que t'he donat,
Keep the bouquet I've given you,
Com si fos el més flairós!
As if it were the most perfumed!
I ella et dirà que hem estat
And it shall tell you that we've been
Avui molt juntets tots dos...
Very close, today...
Ai, Maria que ets formosa!
Oh, Mary you're so beautiful!
Tens les galtes de setí!
Your cheeks are like satin!
Què joiós que jo en seria
How happy would I be
Ai, Maria! Ai, Maria!
Oh, Mary! Oh, Mary!
Si ballessis sempre amb mi...
If you'd always dance with me...
Ai, Maria! Ai, Maria!
Oh, Mary! Oh, Mary!
Si et volguessis casar amb mi...
If you wanted to marry me...
Què joiós que jo en seria
How happy would I be
Ai, Maria! Ai, Maria!
Oh, Mary! Oh, Mary!
Si ballessis sempre amb mi...
If you'd always dance with me...
Ai, Maria! Ai, Maria!
Oh, Mary! Oh, Mary!
Si et volguessis casar amb mi...
If you wanted to marry me...