Ara ve l'Hivern...
Now, Winter is coming...
Sempre hi plou i neva.
It always rains and snows here.
Pobres traginers,
Poor mule drivers,
Que en van de carrera!
Who journey away!
Mascles qui meneu,
Men who lead (the mules),
Gasten gran fatxenda;
They're such big show-offs;
Porten davantall,
They wear aprons,
Manteta i coberta.
Hooded capes and overcoats.
Si els hi han agafat
Well, they've seized them
I a la presó els menen;
And they're taking them to prison;
Si s'hi han escapat
Well, they have escaped from there
Per una finestra!
Through a window!
Que ningú els ha vist,
Nobody has seen them
Si no una donzella
But a young maiden
Qui en prenia el sol
Who was sunbathing
Al fons d'una era.
In a field white for harvest.
N'ha fet un gran crit:
She has issued a great cry:
«Ai, l'escarcellera!
'Ah, prison wardress!
Els presos se'n van,
The prisoners are leaving,
Ja en passen la serra.»
They're already crossing the mountains.'
Moreu va endavant,
Moraeus walks ahead,
Jordi va al darrere...
George follows behind...
Moreu se'n girà:
Moraeus turned around:
«Jordi no em segueixes!»
'George, you're not following me!'
«No puc caminar
'I cannot walk
Ni trepitjar a terra!
Nor step on the ground!
Els peus m'hi en fan mal
My feet hurt (as they touch the ground)
De dur les cadenes!»
Because of the chains!'
«Grinyons en els peus
'Shakles on our feet
I, a les mans, cadenes.
And, over our hands, chains.
Si jo puc tornar
If I can ever return
A n'aquelles terres...»
To those lands...'
«Faria una mort
'I shall murder
D'aquella donzella
That young maiden
Qui en prenia el sol
Who was sunbathing
Al fons d'una era.»
In a field white for harvest.'
«N'ha fet un gran crit:
'She has issued a great cry:
«Ai, l'escarcellera!
'Ah, prison wardress!
Els presos se'n van,
The prisoners are leaving,
Ja en passen la serra.»»
They're already crossing the mountains.''