Cantarem corrandes
We shall sing corrandes
De coses viscudes
About things we've lived
I d'altres tingudes
And some others kept
Per un gran secret!
By a great secret!
Aquell qui es molesti,
He who gets annoyed,
Que no s'hi enfadi.
Ought not to get angry about it.
I aquell que li agradi,
And he who enjoys it,
Rigui sens parar...
Must laugh incessantly...
Que avui, a Folgueroles,
For today, in Folgueroles,
Ben net i clar
Very openly and honestly
Volem dir, amb corrandes,
We want to say, with corrandes,
Allò que ens plaurà!
Whatever we like!
Ben net i clar,
Very openly and honestly,
Sens molestar,
Without bothering anyone,
Que la corranda cal començar!
For the corranda must begin!
Ben net i clar,
Very openly and honestly,
Sens molestar,
Without bothering anyone,
Que la corranda cal començar!
For the corranda must begin!
Oidà! Oidà!
Hey-ho! Hey-ho!
Corrandes són corrandes...
Corrandes are corrandes...
Oidà! Oidà!
Hey-ho! Hey-ho!
Hem vingut a cantar!
We have come to sing!
No li cap camerino:
He doesn't need a dressing room:
Del seu vers, se'n crea escoles!
From his poems, schools have been created!
Us presento un cadolino
I'm presenting you a minstrel
Qui és vingut de Folgueroles!
Who has come from Folgueroles!
Oidà! Oidà!
Hey-ho! Hey-ho!
Corrandes són corrandes...
Corrandes are corrandes...
Oidà! Oidà!
Hey-ho! Hey-ho!
Hem vingut a cantar!
We have come to sing!
Les corrandes porto al sac,
I carry my corrandes in a sack,
Per mantenir-les en ordre;
So I can keep them in order;
No les lligo amb un fil,
I don't tie them up with a thread,
Les lligo amb una corda!
I link them with a rope!
Oidà! Oidà!
Hey-ho! Hey-ho!
Corrandes són corrandes...
Corrandes are corrandes...
Oidà! Oidà!
Hey-ho! Hey-ho!
Hem vingut a cantar!
We have come to sing!
Els polítics de paper
The politicians made out of paper
En són com un carrosí:
Are all like a nuisance:
No saben fer anar el teler
They don't know how to use the loom
I als demés, pas deixen teixir.
And they won't allow others to weave.
Oidà! Oidà!
Hey-ho! Hey-ho!
Corrandes són corrandes...
Corrandes are corrandes...
Oidà! Oidà!
Hey-ho! Hey-ho!
Hem vingut a cantar!
We have come to sing!
La vida, al teler, s'enreda...
Our lives are tangled in the loom...
Pot teixir millor o pitjor:
It can weave for better or worse:
Els rics solen ser la seda
The wealthy are usually silk
I els pobres, són el cotó!
And poor people are cotton!
Oidà! Oidà!
Hey-ho! Hey-ho!
Corrandes són corrandes...
Corrandes are corrandes...
Oidà! Oidà!
Hey-ho! Hey-ho!
Hem vingut a cantar!
We have come to sing!
Corrandes n'han fet, cantades
They've made corrandes
A la mida de cinc pams;
By the measure of five spans;
En donem per acabades
We're considering done and dusted
Les corrandes dels lligams!
The corrandes of our bonds!
Oidà! Oidà!
Hey-ho! Hey-ho!
Corrandes són corrandes...
Corrandes are corrandes...
Oidà! Oidà!
Hey-ho! Hey-ho!
Hem vingut a cantar!
We have come to sing!
De corrandes en fan mil:
Thy've made up to a thousand corrandas:
Ha quedat ben demostrat!
It's been more than proven!
Que en cadolino té uns fils
For this minstrel has threads
Que et deixen ben enredat!
That leave you truly tangled up!
Oidà! Oidà!
Hey-ho! Hey-ho!
Corrandes són corrandes...
Corrandes are corrandes...
Oidà! Oidà!
Hey-ho! Hey-ho!
Hem vingut a cantar!
We have come to sing!