Translation of the song Corrandes de lluna artist Catalan Folk


Corrandes de lluna

English translation

Corrandes of The Moon

[Dialecte central:]

[Central dialect:]

Avui, si venia

Today, if

La lluna morta,

The dead moon had appeared (in the sky),

L'amor cantaria

Love would have sung

Que truca a la porta.

That it would knock on my door.

Lai-rà... Que truca a la porta!

Oh my... It would knock on my door!

I si ens arribava

And if it had arrived

Amb gep a Ponent,

All of a sudden in the West,

L'amor cantaria

Love would have sung

En quart de creixent.

In the crescent phase.

Lai-rà... En quart de creixent!

Oh my... In the crescent phase!

Si la lluna era

If the moon had been

Rodona i roja,

Round and red,

L'amor cantaria

Love would have sung;

Ai, l'amor boja!

Ah, the craziest love of them all!

Lai-rà... Ai, l'amor boja!

Oh my... Ah, the craziest love of them all!

Mes ai, si ve blanca;

Yet, oh! If the moon had been white;

Rodona i blanca,

Round and white,

L'amor cantaria

Love would have sung

Que la porta tanca.

That it would close its door.

Lai-rà... Que la porta tanca!

Oh my... That it would close its door!

I si duu la lluna

And if the moon went

Un gep a Llevant,

All of a sudden to the East,

L'amor cantaria

Love would have sung;

L'amor minvant.

Love in the waning phase.

Lai-rà... Ai, l'amor minvant!

Oh my... Love in the waning phase!

[Dialecte balear:]

[Balearic dialect:]

Amic, sortiu al terrat...

My beloved, come out to the terrace...

Amic, sortiu al terrat...

My beloved, come out to the terrace...

Ai, que ens remulli la cara

Ah, let our faces be soaked

La lluna: gall de taronja

By the moon: orange segment

Entre dents de nuvolada!

Amidst teeth made out of clouds!

Ai, que ens remulli la cara

Ah, let it soak our faces

(Amic, sortiu al terrat)

(My beloved, come out to the terrace...)

La lluna, la tarongina

The moon, the orange blossom

Del taronger ennuvolat!

From the cloudy orange tree!

La lluna, la tarongina

The moon, the orange blossom

Del taronger ennuvolat...!

From the cloudy orange tree...!

Llença-li cocetes

Throw little kicks

Vers e's davantall,

At her apron,

No els hi llencis fortes,

But not strong kicks,

Que li faràs mal!

Lest you hurt her!

[Dialecte valencià:]

[Valencian dialect:]

La de la panxa pelà

The one with the hairless tummy

Ja no la vorem més:

We shall not see her again:

S’ha fet nòvio a Mallorca

She has gotten a boyfriend in Majorca

I parlen per internet...

And they talk through the internet...

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