La barca encara és a port,
The boat is still in port,
Els pescadors són a la taverna;
The fishermen are in the tavern;
Entre ells es desitgen sort
They are wishing each other luck
Encara que pensin en la galerna.
Even though they're thinking about stormy winds.
Les dones, a casa, cusen
The women, at home, are sewing
Mentre es bressolen a vora la llar:
As they rock themselves close to the fireplace:
Totes tristes, els seus fills contemplen
Very saddened, they look at their children
I totes tremolen pensant en la mar!
And all of them tremble as they think of the sea!
El Cantàbric valent
The strong North-Westerly wind
Les onades aixeca.
Drives the waves.
Va bufant el Ponent
The Zephyrus is blowing
I les barques no vénen!
And the boats are not arriving!
I lluny, a l’horitzó,
And afar, on the horizon,
La primera ja es veu:
We can see the first one coming:
Disset homes marxaren
Seventeen men left
I en tornen deu...
And ten are coming back...
I en tornen deu…!
And ten are coming back...!
El cel ben asserenat,
The sky is placid and serene,
La mar estava talment en calma.
The sea was completely calm.
Tot ell era ben tallat
All of it was being traversed
Per una barca lleugera i galana.
By a swift and graceful boat.
De sobte i sense avisar
Suddenly and without any warning
N'arriba una plena i una altra després
A large wave came and yet another one after
I la mar, que envesteix sens parar,
And the sea, which is battering them incessantly,
S’emporta de popa a set mariners!
Takes seven sailors from the stern.
El Cantàbric valent
The strong North-Westerly wind
Les onades aixeca.
Drives the waves.
Va bufant el Ponent
The Zephyrus is blowing
I les barques no vénen!
And the boats are not arriving!
I lluny, a l’horitzó,
And afar, on the horizon,
La primera ja es veu:
We can see the first one coming:
Disset homes marxaren
Seventeen men left
I en tornen deu...
And ten are coming back...
I en tornen deu…!
And ten are coming back...!