A la vila de Tolosa
In the city of Toulouse
N'hi ha tres estudiants
There are three students,
Qui en segueixen els estudis
Who are studying
Per ser-ne, de capellans.
To become priests.
Ja n'hi troben tres ninetes,
They soon meet three young girls,
Tres ninetes molt galants.
Three very fetching girls.
Comencen a tirar xances:
They start to make flirtatious comments:
Xances vénen i van.
Comments go to and fro.
Les ninetes són traidores:
The three girls are dishonest:
Justicia van reclamant!
They go to claim for justice!
No triga l'espai d'una hora
Not even and hour has passed
Que a la presó els van portant.
Before they're being taken to prison.
El més petit sempre plora;
The youngest one always weeps;
El mitjancer ja no tant...
The middle one, not quite as much...
El més gran els aconsola:
The eldest comforts them:
— «Germans meus, no ploreu tant!»
— 'My dear brothers, do not cry so much!'
«Car tenim un germà a França,
'Because we have a brother in France,
Cavaller del Duc de Rohan.
Knight of the Duke of Rohan.
Demanaré paper i ploma
I will ask for pen and paper
Per escriure-li a l'instant!»
To write to him immediately!'
«Així que en sabrà la nova,
'As soon as he gets the news,
El tindrem ací volant.
He will come here, flying.
Matarà jutges i batlles
He will kill judges and bailiffs
I també a llurs escrivans.»
And also, their court clerks.»
—«Calleu-ne! Calleu-ne, presos,
—'Shut up in there! Shut up in there, prisoners,
Que d'ací ja us en treuran!
For they shall come and get you soon!
Aquí teniu paper i ploma
Here you have both pen and paper
Per escriure a qui volgau.»
So you can write to whomever you want.'
A les dues de la tarda
At two o'clock in the afternoon
Ja els en donen paper blanc;
They given them some blank paper;
A les quatre de la tarda,
At four o'clock in the afternoon,
A la forca els van portant...
They take them to be hanged...
Quan són al peu de la forca,
When they're at the base of the gallows,
El seu germà és arribant.
Their brother is just arriving.
Ja en pregunta a l'hostalera:
He asks the inn's landlady:
— «Tanta gent allà, què hi fan?»
— 'That big crowd gathered there, what are they doing?'
— «Es que pengen i despengen
— 'They are hanging and bringing down
Tres pobrets estudiants
Three poor young students,
Qui seguien els estudis
Who were studying
Per ser-ne, de capellans!»
To become priests.'
— «Calleu! Calleu, hostalera,
— 'Be silent! Be silent, oh landlady,
Que són de la meva sang!
For they are my own flesh and blood!
No em diríeu, hostalera,
Won't you tell me, oh landlady,
Per on hi seria abans?»
The fastest way to get there?'
— «Passeu per la carretera
— 'Ride down the road
O per les prades i camps...»
Or across those fields and meadows...»
Ja baixa del cavall negre
He soon dismounts his black horse
I se'n puja al cavall blanc.
And gets on the white horse.
De tant que el cavall corria
Because the horse was galloping so fast
Les pedres van foguejant.
Flames are coming out of the clobblestones.
Ne desembeina l'espasa,
He unsheathes his sword,
Pica l'esperó al cavall.
He hits the horse with the spurs.
Quan és al peu de la forca,
Once he reaches the base of the gallows,
Ja han fet el darrer badall...
They've already drawn their last breath...
Amb la punta de l'espasa,
With the tip of his sword,
Els hi va tallar els dogals;
He cut the nooses around their necks;
Els fa un bes a cada galta
He kisses them all on both cheeks
— «Déu vos perdó, els meus germans!»
— 'May God forgive you, oh my brothers!'
Es gira al batlle i al jutge
He turns to the bailiff and the judge
Qui els havien sentenciat...
Who had sentenced them...
— «No em dirieu, jutge i batlle,
— 'Won't you tell me, Lords judge and bailiff,
Per què heu mort els estudiants?»
Why you have killed these students?'
— «Cavaller, deixeu els morts:
— 'Milord, leave the dead be:
Ja no pateixen cap dany!»
They're not suffering anymore!'
«Eren burladors de nines,
'They were rapists of young maidens,
Robadors de camí ral!»
Bandits on the main road!'
— «Mentiu pel coll, els mals jutges!
— 'You lie through your teeth, oh evil judges!
Mons germans no ho foren mai!»
My brothers were never any of that!'
«Per llur mort, les vostres testes,
'Because of their death, your very own heads,
Penjaran sobre els portals!»
Shall hang over the town gates!'
Ai, Déu! Vila de Tolosa:
Oh, God! City of Toulouse:
Bé te'n veuràs, de treballs!
You shall endure such hard times!
— «Aparteu's, dones prenyades,
— 'Out of the way, pregnant women,
Si voleu salvar els infants;
If you want to save your children;
Perquè també hi reberien
For those who don't deserve any harm
Els qui pas mereixen mal!»
Would also receive this punishment!'
«Ai tu, vila de Tolosa!
'Woe to you, city of Toulouse!
De mi te'n recordaras!
You shall remember me well!
Persones, cases i places
People, houses and squares,
Han d'anar a foc i sang...»
All will come down amidst fire and carnage...'
«De la sang del senyor jutge
'With the Lord Judge's blood
Els carrers se'n regaran;
All the streets will be awash;
Dins la sang de les ninetes
In the blood of the tree young girls
Els cavalls hi nedaran!»
Horses will be able to swim!'
«De les testes dels teus homes
'With the heads of your grown men
Muntanyes se n'alçaran...
Mountains shall be raised...
Adéu, vila de Tolosa:
Goodbye, city of Toulouse:
Pas t'hagués conegut mai!»
I wish I had never known you!'