Els fadrins de Sant Boi
The young men from Sant Boi
molta fatxenda en gasten.
Are very dashing.
El més petit de tots
The youngest of them all
en gasta més que'ls altres.
Is more dashing than the rest.
El maco de na Laia,
Laia's handsome boy,1
Va vestit de vellut,
He's all dressed up in velvet,
botonada de plata.
With silver buttons.
Se n'ha comprat un ram
He has bought a bouquet
per dâ a l'enamorada.
Which he wants to give to his beloved.
El maco de la Laia,
Laia's handsome boy,
Quan l'ha tingut comprat
Once he has bought it
ja no sap ont posar-se'l;
He doesn't know where to place it;
ja se'l posa al barret
He places it on his hat
per fê més pompa i gala.
In order to exude greater pomp and elegance.
El maco de na Laia,
Laia's handsome boy,
Ne veu la seva amor
Then he saw his beloved
sola, qui's pentinava
Who, all alone, was arranging her hair
amb una pinta d'or,
With a gold comb
l'escarpidor de plata.
And a silver aigrette.
El maco de na Laia,
Laia's handsome boy,
Amb el signe que fa
With the unspoken sign she makes
coneix que n'hi té entrada.
He knows that he can come in.
Se'n puja escala amunt
He climbs the stairs
com si fos de la casa.
As if he were a member of the family.
El maco de na Laia,
Laia's handsome boy,
Ja n'hi presenta'l ram:
He offers her the bouquet:
li fa mitja rialla.
She snickers.
Li torna a presentâ:
He presents it to her again:
li fa tota plegada.
She accepts it.
El maco de na Laia,
Laia's handsome boy,
«El ram prou me l'ha pres,
She has happily taken the bouquet,
l'amor no me l'ha dada.
But she hasn't given me her love.
Si no'm doneu l'amor,
If you won't give me your love,
feu-me'n una abraçada.»
At least give me a hug.
El maco de na Laia,
Laia's handsome boy,