Nosaltres som uns ma-me-mi-mo-músics de carrer
We're some ba-be-bi-bo-buskers 1
I no ens espanta ta-te-ti-to-tocar quan convé.
And we're not afraid to pla-ple-pli-plo-play if needed.
El repertori ens vanten: funciona prou bé!
People praise our repertoire: it works well enough!
I fem concerts de a-e-i-o... I a pas de carrer!
And we make concerts a-e-i-o... And to the rhythm of the street!
I visca! I visca!
Long life! Long life!
Del primer arpeig al darrer!
From the first arpeggio to the last!
I visca! I visca!
Long life! Long life!
Els músics de carrer!
The buskers!
El que ens agrada na-ne-ni-no no ho deixem de fer,
What we like, we wa-we-wi-wo won't stop doing it,
Encara que no ens da-de-di-do-dóni molts diners;
Even if it doesn't bra-bre-bri-bro-bring much money;
Per la gent, temes ban-ben-bin-bon bens i actuals,
For people, very pas-pes-pis-pos positive and current subjects,
I no ens recolzen mal-mel-mil-mol-multinacionals!
And we're not supported by mal-mel-mil-mol-multinationals!
(Apa, Cristian, una sobre la faràndula: aviam!)
(Come on, Christian, a song about show business: let's see!)
Amb ballades i cançons,
With dances and songs,
Fem comriure i gran follia!
We cause much laughter and great commotions!
Enyorances i il·lusions
Yearning and hopes
Per donar-vos alegria!
To give you all some happiness!
(Alegria! Això és el que intentem portar: si senyor!
(Happiness! This is what we try to spread: oh yes, sir!
I què més? Què mes?)
And what else? What else?)
Els pollins en som poc nobles:
We young ones, are not very noble:
Fem somriure, fem plorar...
We make people smile, we make them weep...
Envoltem per tots els pobles
We go around all the towns
I algú hem fet enamorar!
And we've made some people fall in love!
I visca! I visca!
Long life! Long life!
Del primer fins el darrer!
From the first one to the last!
I visca! I visca!
Long life! Long life!
Els músics de carrer!
The buskers!
Anem per lliure i ja-je-ji-jo-juguem i fem joc;
We go our own way and we pla-ple-pli-plo-play and we make up games;
Solets, treiem les ca-que-qui-co-castanyes del foc!
All alone, we sa-se-si-so-solve all problems!
Per qui ens escolta, par-per-pir-por-portem il·lusions,
For those who listen to us, we bra-bre-bri-bro-bring illusions,
Grapats de somnis, mans-mens-mins-mons-munts de sensacions!
Handfuls of dreams, hap,hep-hip-hop-heaps of sensations!
(Apa! Un parell mes de corrandetes!
(Go on! Just a couple more corrandes!
Aviam! Com va això de la faràndula, Cristian?)
Let's see! How are things with show business, Christian?)
Amb cargols i cansalada,
With roasted snails and bacon,
És una excusa el tocar;
Playing is an excuse;
Al carrer, el vent agrada...
In the street, the wind is pleasant...
És l'hora d'anar a dinar!
It's time to go for lunch!
(Sí, senyor: la manduca! Va bé! Va bé!
(Yes, sir: the nosh! It's going well! It's going well!
Apa, què més?)
Go on, what else?)
Si no plou, diu: «marxarem!»
If money won't rain, say: 'we shall leave!'
I enferats, posarem fi.
And furious, we will stop playing.
Si aplaudiu molt, tocarem
If you applaud a lot, we will play
Fina les sis del dematí!
Until tomorrow morning at six o'clock!
I visca! I visca!
Long life! Long life!
Del primer fins el darrer!
From the first one to the last!
I visca! I visca!
Long life! Long life!
Els músics de carrer!
The buskers!
I si mai veus un ma-me-mi-mo-músic de carrer,
And if you ever see a ba-be-bi-bo-busker,
Fes una pausa i va-ve-vi-vo-veuràs com fa bé.
Stop for a moment and you'll sa-se-si-so-see how nice it is.
I encara que no ta-te-ti-to tinguis cap permís,
And even if you don't ha-he-hi-ho have any permission,
Pots oferir-li an-en-in-on-un càlid somrís!
You can offer a wa-we-wi-wo-warm smile to him!
I visca! I visca!
Long life! Long life!
Del primer fins el darrer!
From the first one to the last!
I visca! I visca!
Long life! Long life!
Els músics de carrer!
The buskers!