M'acomiado, me n'haig d'anar!
I'm saying goodbye, I must leave!
Faig com feia l'havanera,
I do as havanera songs did,
Travessant el gran oceà
Crossing the great ocean
Però sense oblidar
But without forgetting
D'on sóc, ni d'on era.
Where I am from, not where I came from.
L'havanereta blanca
The white maiden from Havana
Dels meus records...
In my memories...
Princesa, va de nits d'Estiu vestida;
Princess, she is all dressed up in Summer nights;
Donzella perfumada de rom cremat,
A damsel all perfumed with burned rum,
Embriaga l'enamorat
She intoxicates her lover
I, a tots, endolceix la vida!
And makes everyone's life, much sweeter!
Quan jo era xic,
When I was a little child,
Cantaven a Tamarit
They'd sing in Tamarit
El Mosso, en Dinyo i n'Aberlado
Mosso, Dinyo and Aberlado
I, entre havaneres, passava el temps;
And, among songs, time would pass;
Els pares deien «anem!»
My parents woudl say 'Let's go!'
I jo els hi deia «no tardo!».
And I'd reply to them 'I won't be long!'.
No tardo!
I won't be long!
M'acomiado, me n'haig d'anar!
I'm saying goodbye, I must leave!
Faig com feia l'havanera,
I do as havanera songs did,
Travessant el gran oceà
Crossing the great ocean
Però sense oblidar
But without forgetting
D'on sóc, ni d'on era.
Where I am from, not where I came from.
Malaguanyada, doncs,
Thus, the moment of goodbye
L'hora dels adéus
Was so ill-fated
I aquells qui partiren vers l'exili!
For those who departed to exile!
Jo, sí puc tornar a la vora dels meus,
I am able to return and live by my loved ones,
Però molts pregaren als déus
But many prayed to the gods
Sense rebre'n mai, d'auxili!
Without ever receiving any succour from them!
Sempre recordarem
We shall always remember
Els qui ens van deixar,
Those who left us,
I que mai no ens falli la memòria!
And may our memory never fail!
Són ells defensors d'aquesta nació,
They're this nation's defenders,
Pares d'una tradició
Forefathers of a tradition
Que forma la nostra història!
That has created our history!
M'acomiado, me n'haig d'anar!
I'm saying goodbye, I must leave!
Faig com feia l'havanera,
I do as havanera songs did,
Travessant el gran oceà
Crossing the great ocean
Però sense oblidar
But without forgetting
D'on sóc, ni d'on era...
Where I am from, not where I came from...