Al pla on riu la llum serena,
In the plain the serene light laughs,
Un rotllet florit d'infants
A small circle of children
Salta en torn d'una palmera!
Jumps around a palm tree!
Quan els fillets creixeran,
When the little children grow,
Quan s'allargui la cadena,
When the chain is lengthened,
Quin arbre entornejaran?
Which tree will they surround?
Un compàs de cobla
The beat from the cobla orchestra
Al cor ja batega...
Is already beating in our hearts...
Un compàs de cobla
The beat from the cobla orchestra
Ens ha fet germans!
Has made brothers out of us!
La visió blanca perdura
The white vision remains
I les mans cerquen les mans;
And the hands search for other hands;
Ja és un poble fent rodona,
Now, it's an entire people making a circle,
Ja és la germanor dansant...
Now, brotherhood is dancing...
La sardana on canta i plora
The sardana in which our voice
La veu nostra, en himnes sants!
Sings and weeps holy hymns!
Un compàs de cobla
The beat from the cobla orchestra
És tot Catalunya...
Is all of Catalonia...
Un compàs de cobla
The beat from the cobla orchestra
Ens ha fet grans!
Has made us great!
Amb el sol de Primavera,
With the Spring sun,
Les ginestes floriran.
The broom shrubs shall blossom.
Ai, quina florida aquella,
Ah, it will be such a fair blooming,
Quan les cobles menaran,
When the coblas will bring out,
Dels cors lliures, la cadena
From our free hearts, the chain
Sota el cel sardanejant!
Under the sky, dancing sardanas!
Un compàs de cobla
The beat from the cobla orchestra
Ens val de senyera!
Is good enough to be out flag!
Un compàs de cobla
The beat from the cobla orchestra
Ens fa catalans!
Makes us all Catalan!