Lluny de la terra aimada,
Living far away from his beloved land,
Com ho fan tants i tants,
As so many others have done before,
A dins el cor la flama
The fire within his heart
Sempre somnia en tornar.
Is always dreaming he can return!
A un bon ocell, les penes
To a kind bird, an emigrant
Li explica un emigrant...
Explains all of his sorrows...
És greu dolor de viure,
The pain of living is so great,
Si tot el que t'estimes
When everything you love
No ho tens a mà!
Isn't within your reach!
Quan arribi el bon temps,
When the mild season comes,
Per la Primavera,
During the Springtime,
Aniré a la recerca
I shall go to seek
D'un nou caliu.
A new warm place.
De país en país
From country to country
Fins la meva terra,
'Till I reach my homeland,
On coneixi un teulat
Where I shall meet a roof
Per jo fer-m'hi amic!
That I can befriend!
Si vols venir-hi, amb mi,
If you want to come with me,
S'acabarà el teu patir!
Your suffering will cease!
Pensa amb molta recança:
He thinks, with much regret:
«S'ha de fer i no es fa;
'It must be done, but it isn't done;
Els anys passen de pressa
The years go by quickly
I hom es va tornant gran.
And we keep getting older.
Per la vida que em resta,
Whatever life I may have left,
Jo vull la meva gent...
I want to spend close to my people...
Ocell amic, jo ploro
Oh bird, my friend, I'm weeping
I d'enyorança moro
And I'm dying of longing
Per no ésser amb ells!»
Because I'm not with them!'
Quan arribi el bon temps,
When the mild season comes,
Per la Primavera,
During the Springtime,
Faré tot el que em deies
I will do everything you've told me
I partiré.
And I will leave.
Jo aniré pel camí,
I'll be treading the path,
Tu per la drecera
You'll take the shortcut
I tots dos farem
And the both of us shall go
Cap el mateix indret
Toward the same place
I, si vols restar amb mi,
And, if you want to stay with me,
T'ho agrairé, ocell amic!
I'll be thankful, oh friendly bird!
I, si vols restar amb mi,
And, if you want to stay with me,
T'ho agrairé, ocell amic!
I'll be thankful, oh friendly bird!