Aquella roja cirera
That red cherry
Encisadora, tant petonera,
That is so fascinating, so kiss-worthy;
Deixa que et doni, nineta,
Allow me to place it, young maiden,
I una estimada a ta boqueta!
As well as a little love, in your little mouth!
I què ha de fer una nineta
And what must a young maiden do
Enamorada i boniqueta?
When she is both pretty and in love?
Més petons, nina, et faria
I'd give you more kisses, girl,
Que fruit tindria cap cirerer!
Than the fruits made by a cherry tree!
Quan la nit de Sant Joan n’és arribada
When Saint John's Eve comes
No hi ha noia que pas estigui enamorada,
There's not a single girl who isn't in love,
Si és que el jove que la vol
If the boy who pretends her
Cerca estar-n'hi, amb ella, sol
Tries to be alone with her,
Per dir-li ple d’amor a l’estimada:
So he can tell his beloved, overflowing with love:
Aquella roja cirera
That red cherry
Encisadora, tant petonera,
That is so fascinating, so kiss-worthy;
Deixa que et doni, nineta,
Allow me to place it, young maiden,
I una estimada a ta boqueta!
As well as a little love, in your little mouth!
I què ha de fer una nineta
And what must a young maiden do
Enamorada i boniqueta?
When she is both pretty and in love?
Més petons, nina, et faria
I'd give you more kisses, girl,
Que fruit tindria cap cirerer!
Than the fruits made by a cherry tree!
No dormo, nina formosa, i és de veres
I can't sleep, oh beautiful maiden, and it's true
Que et faria més petons que té cireres
That I'd give you more kisses than the cherries
El més gran dels cirerers.
Made by the biggest of all cherry trees.
I, quan ja no pogués més,
And, after I just couldn't go on,
Pregaria que ta boca me'ls tornés!
I'd pray for your mouth to give them all back to me!
Aquella roja cirera
That red cherry
Encisadora, tant petonera,
That is so fascinating, so kiss-worthy;
Deixa que et doni, nineta,
Allow me to place it, young maiden,
I una estimada a ta boqueta!
As well as a little love, in your little mouth!
I què ha de fer una nineta
And what must a young maiden do
Enamorada i boniqueta?
When she is both pretty and in love?
Més petons, nina, et faria
I'd give you more kisses, girl,
Que fruit tindria cap cirerer!
Than the fruits made by a cherry tree!
Un petó no va mai sol quan va de veres;
A kiss doesn't come up all alone, when it is honest;
Per això diuen que els petons i les cireres,
That's why they say of both kisses and cherries,
Després d’un en vénen molts...
After the first one, many more come...
Després d’un en vénen molts...
After the first one, many more come...
Noies, si no voleu pols, no aneu a l’era!
Ladies, if you don't want to catch any dust, don't go to the barn!
Aquella roja cirera
That red cherry
Encisadora, tant petonera,
That is so fascinating, so kiss-worthy;
Deixa que et doni, nineta,
Allow me to place it, young maiden,
I una estimada a ta boqueta!
As well as a little love, in your little mouth!
I què ha de fer una nineta
And what must a young maiden do
Enamorada i boniqueta?
When she is both pretty and in love?
Més petons, nina, et faria
I'd give you more kisses, girl,
Que fruit tindria cap cirerer!
Than the fruits made by a cherry tree!