La desgràcia d'un pobre home...
A poor man's misfortune...
Té una filla per casar;
He has a daughter of marriageable age;
'namorada d'un gitano
She's in love with a Gypsy
no la hi pot desoblidar!
And he can't make her forget him!
«Escolta'm, filla meva:
Listen, my dear daughter:
dues paraules te'n vull dir.
I want to tell you a couple of things.
Per l'ofici de gitano
In order to live as a Gypsy
molt be te'n poden venir.
They may be very useful to you.
Tu que n'ets, d'avesadeta
You, who are used
a dormir en bon matalàs;
To sleep on a comfortable mattress;
casadeta amb un gitano,
Married to a Gypsy
a la palla hi dormiràs!»
You'll only ever sleep on piles of straw!
- Si a la palla haig de dormir,
- If I must sleep on piles of straw,
gens no me n'importa a mi
I don't care at all about it
si el meu cor sempre em desitja
For my heart truly desires for me
un gitano per marit!
To have a Gypsy as my husband!
«Tu que n'ets, d'avesadeta
You, who are accustomed
a portar-ne rics vestits,
To wear the finest dresses,
casadeta amb un gitano,
Married to a Gypsy
portaràs parracs sargits!»
You'll only wear mended old clothes!
- Si parracs haig de portar,
- If I must only wear tattered old clothes,
gens no me n'importa a mi
I don't care at all about it
si el meu cor sempre em desitja
For my heart truly desires for me
un gitano per marit!
To have a Gypsy as my husband!
«Tu que n'ets, d'avesadeta
You, who are used
a portar-ne bons calçats,
To wear the best of shoes,
casadeta amb un gitano,
Married to a Gypsy
ben descalça que hi 'niràs!»
You'll have to go completely barefoot!
- Si descalça hi haig d'anar,
- If I must go barefoot,
gens no me n'importa a mi
I don't care at all about it
si el meu cor sempre em desitja
For my heart truly desires for me
un gitano per marit!
To have a Gypsy as my husband!
«Tu que n'ets, d'avesadeta
You, who are used
a cuinar-ne bons guisats,
To cooking the richest stews,
casadeta amb un gitano,
Married to a Gypsy
cuinaràs gossos i gats.»
You'll end up cooking dogs and cats.
- Si gossos haig de cuinar,
- If I must end up cooking dogs,
gens no me n'importa a mi
I don't care at all about it
si el meu cor sempre em desitja
For my heart truly desires for me
un gitano per marit!
To have a Gypsy as my husband!
«Tu que n'ets, d'avesadeta
You, who are used
a menjar-te uns bons bocins,
To eat large amounts of food,
casadeta amb un gitano,
Married to a Gypsy
menjaràs rocs i pollins...»
You'll only eat rocks and lice...
- Si pollins haig de menjar,
- If I must only eat lice,
gens no me n'importa a mi
I don't care at all about it
si el meu cor sempre em desitja
For my heart truly desires for me
un gitano per marit!
To have a Gypsy as my husband!
«Tu que n'ets, avesadeta,
You, who are accustomed
d'anar-ne a Missa Major;
To attend Grand Mass,
casadeta amb un gitano,
Married to a Gypsy
no veuràs mai més rector.»
You shall never see another church dean.
- Si mai mes veuré rector,
- If I shall never she a church dead again,
gens no me n'importa a mi
I don't care at all about it
si el meu cor sempre em desitja
For my heart truly desires for me
un gitano per marit!
To have a Gypsy as my husband!
«I vindran mercats i fires;
And markets and fairs shall come;
tu també hi hauràs d'anar;
You'll have to travel with them as well;
casadeta amb un gitano
Married to a Gypsy
amb el cistellonet al braç.»
With a vendor's basket on your arm.
- Si amb cistelló haig d'anar,
- If I must carry a vendor's basket around,
gens no me n'importa a mi:
I don't care at all about it:
jo estic boja pel gitano
I am crazy about the Gypsy
i, el gitano, boig per mi!
And the Gypsy is crazy about me!