Translation of the song La Flor del Pèsol artist Catalan Folk


La Flor del Pèsol

English translation

The Sweet Pea Blossom

Cobles noves són dictades

New folksongs are dictated

Per Don Marc, el tres d’Abril;

By Lord Marc, on the third of April;

Fetes són per una noia

They've been written for a girl

De divuit anys, molt gentil...

Who is just eighteen, and very gentle...

Que n’és filla de La Selva,

She is born and bred in La Selva,

De la vall de Santa Agnès.

From Saint Agnes' valley.

Li diuen la Flor del Pèsol

They call her the Sweet Pea Blossom

De tant bonica que n’és!

For she is so beautiful!

Les belleses de la noia

I shall tell you all about

Jo us les aniré explicant:

That girl's many graces:

No és alta ni és baixa

She is neither tall nor short

I té un caminar elegant;

And her walk is most elegant;

Un front ample, ple de gràcia,

A wide forehead, filled with charm,

Llueix sens posar-hi res.

Shines without any powder.

Li diuen la Flor del Pèsol

They call her the Sweet Pea Blossom

De tant bonica que n’és!

For she is so beautiful!

Té la cara blanca i fina,

Her face is white and delicate,

Lluïda com el marfil.

As smooth as ivory.

I una rosa a cada galta,

On each cheek, she has roses

Collides del mes d’Abril!

Gathered in the month of April!

Un clotet té a la barba,

She has a cleft chin,

Que li afavoreix molt més...

Which makes her even lovelier...

Li diuen la Flor del Pèsol

They call her the Sweet Pea Blossom

De tant bonica que n’és!

For she is so beautiful!

Ella en té una cabellera...

And her mane is just...

Qui la veu, n’hi queda estrany!

He who sees it, is left dazzled!

No és pas rossa ni és negra,

It's neither blond nor black,

Sinó en té un color castany.

But it has a hazel hue.

La dent blanca i menudeta

Her teeth are white and small

I aquell mirar tant entès...

And her eyes are vivacious...

Li diuen la Flor del Pèsol

They call her the Sweet Pea Blossom

De tant bonica que n’és!

For she is so beautiful!

Els pares d’aquesta noia

This girl's parents

N’han tingut molts pretendents

Have met many suitors

I, ara, hom diu volen casar-la

And now, people say they want to marry her

Perquè no li passi el temps.

So she won't be left on the shelf. 1

Hom diu, la volen casada

People say they want to marry her

Amb hereu ric i pagès.

To a wealthy, landowning heir.

Li diuen la Flor del Pèsol

They call her the Sweet Pea Blossom

De tant bonica que n’és!

For she is so beautiful!

Allà al Pont de l'Armentera,

There in Pont de l'Armentera,

S’ha trobat amb un xicot;

She has met a young lad;

El fadrí l’ha demanada

The chap has asked for her hand in marriage

I li ha donat pebrot!

And she has told him to go and boil his head!

Diu que no es vol casar encara,

She says that she doesn't want to get married yet,

Car en pensa trobar més...

Because she plans to meet many more men...

Li diuen la Flor del Pèsol

They call her the Sweet Pea Blossom

De tant bonica que n’és!

For she is so beautiful!

El fadrí qui la festeja,

The chap who is courting her,

Fins ha arribat a dir

Has even gone as far as saying

Que si no es pot casar amb ella,

That, if he cannot marry her,

Vol matar-la i fugir...

He shall murder her and run away...

Ha fet molts passos per ella

He has done many things for her

I no li n’ha aprofitat res.

And he hasn't gotten anything in return.

Li diuen la Flor del Pèsol

They call her the Sweet Pea Blossom

De tant bonica que n’és!

For she is so beautiful!

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