De la gata i el belitre
About the she-cat and the vile beast
Jo us diré çò que és passat:
I shall tell you what has happened:
S'ha perdut qualcuna cosa,
Something has been lost,
No sé qui l'haurà trobat.
I don't know who must have found it.
Si serà el gos o bé el gat,
Could it have been the dog or the cat,
A la nyigo-nyigo-nyigo...
It goes zing-zing-zing... 1
Si serà el gos o bé el gat
Could it have been the dog or the cat,
Aquell qui l'haurà trobat.
The one who has found it.
Ja en respon una vellota:
An old hag immediately answers:
–«Penso que haurà estat el ca;
–'I think that it must have been the dog;
Jo, la gata, pas l'he vista
I haven't seen the female cat
Ni sentida miolar».
Nor have I heard her miaow'.
«Que si jo el puc enxampar,
'If I can get my hands on him,
A la nyigo-nyigo-nyigo...
It goes zing-zing-zing...
Que si jo el puc enxampar,
If I can get my hands on him,
Prou que me la pagarà!»
He will surely pay it dearly!'
Dones, bé estareu contentes,
Women, you shall be quite happy,
Ara que el ca se n'ha anat;
Now that the dog has left;
Atipareu bé la gata,
You shall stuff the she-cat really well,
Que estigui grassa aviat.
So she gets fat very soon.
Li donareu pa torrat,
You shall give her toasted bread,
A la nyigo-nyigo-nyigo...
It goes zing-zing-zing...
Li donareu pa torrat
You shall give her toasted bread
Amb all i oli, ben sucat.
Thoroughly soaked in aioli.
Faci fred, o plogui o nevi,
Whether it's cold, it's raining or snowing,
A defora em fan anar.
They make me go outside.
Faci fred, o plogui o nevi,
Whether it's cold, it's raining or snowing,
A defora em fan anar!
They make me go outside!
Sense llit, sense sopar,
Without a bed, without eating supper,
A la nyigo-nyigo-nyigo...
It goes zing-zing-zing...
Sense llit, sense sopar:
Without a bed, without eating supper:
Mal ofici és ésser ca!
Being a dog is a thankless job!
Som anat a la perera,
I have gone to the pear tree grove,
Som estat afortunat.
I have been fortunate.
Som menjat sinó una pera
I have eaten no more than a pear
I m'han ben codolejat.
And they have given me a good beating.
Diuen que em volen matar,
They say that they want to kill me,
A la nyigo-nyigo-nyigo...
It goes zing-zing-zing...
Diuen que em volen matar:
They say that they want to kill me:
Mal ofici és ésser ca!
Being a dog is a thankless job!
Ara ve la Primavera,
Now, Spring is arriving
Que hi regnarà la guineu;
And the fox shall reign supreme;
Ara ve la Primavera,
Now, Spring is arriving
Que hi regnarà la guineu!
And the fox shall reign supreme!
I, aleshores, bé ho veureu,
And then, you shall see well,
A la nyigo-nyigo-nyigo...
It goes zing-zing-zing...
I, aleshores, bé ho veureu,
And then, you shall see well
Els gossos si en tenen preu!
Whether dogs are priceless or not!