Translation of the song La nit de l'amor artist Catalan Folk


La nit de l'amor

English translation

The Night of Love


[Short steps:]

Cantem, companys!

Let's sing, comrades!

Cantem tots junts!

Let's sing all together!

El vespre és curt i el dia arriba...

The evening is short and the day is coming...

Cantem ben alt!

Let's sing really loud!

Cantem ben fort!

Let's sing powerfully!

Que el cant és goig pel cor que estima.

For singing is joyful for the heart that loves!

Cantem l'amor que portem dins,

Let's sing the love that we carry inside,

Fent-lo arribar dalt la finestra;

Making it reach up to the window;

Fem-lo arribar

Let's make it reach

Als llavis vermells!

Those red lips!

Fem-lo vessar

Let's make it overflow

Tot aquest vespre!

All throughout this evening!

Cantem i vetllem!

Let's sing and stay awake!

Cantem i ballem,

Let's sing and dance,

Que ja dormirem

For we shall sleep enough

Quan morirem!

Once we're dead!


[Long steps:]

Que cada veu sigui un petó

May every voice be a kiss

I cada crit una abraçada.

And every shout, an embrace.

Que el cant ens porti a prop dels ulls,

May our song bring us close to those eyes,

Dels ulls serens de l'estimada!

The placid eyes of our beloved!

Que tot cantant l'hi puguem dir

So that, singing, we can tell her

El que parlant no sabem dir-li:

What we cannot utter with words:

Que l'estimem fins a morir,

That we love her 'till death,

Que la volem vingui el que vingui.

That we shall want her whatever may come.


[Short steps:]

Cantem i vetllem!

Let's sing and stay awake!

Cantem i ballem,

Let's sing and dance,

Que ja dormirem

For we shall sleep enough

Quan morirem!

Once we're dead!


[Long steps:]

Nit de l'amor, formosa nit,

Night of love, beautiful night,

Dura molt més del que ara dures.

Do last much longer than you now last.

Que ta negror, pels qui s'estimen,

May your darkness be, for those who are in love,

Alba serà si la detures...

The very dawn, if you stop it...

Alba serà d'enamorats...

It shall be the dawn of lovers...

Claror d'amor que aimar convida!

Brightness of love that invites us to love!

Raig de cançons que, essent de nit,

Ray of songs that, being made out of night,

Porten la llum de nova vida.

Bring the light of a brand new light.


[Short steps:]

Cantem i vetllem!

Let's sing and stay awake!

Cantem i ballem,

Let's sing and dance,

Que ja dormirem

For we shall sleep enough

Quan morirem!

Once we're dead!

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