Què li donarem a la pastoreta?
What shall we give to the little shepherdess?
Què li donarem per anar a ballar?
What shall we give her, so she can go to the ball?
Jo li donaria una caputxeta
I would give her a little riding hood
I a la muntanyeta la faria anar.
And I would make her travel high into the mountains.
A la muntanyeta no hi neva, ni hi plou
In the mountains it never snows, nor does it rain
I a la terra plana tot, el vent, ho mou!
Whereas in the plains, the wind drags everything around!
Sota l'ombreta, l'ombreta, l'ombrí,
Under the shade, the shade, the little shade,
Flors i violes i romaní!
There's blossoms and violets and rosemary!