Translation of the song La sardana de la Pàtria artist Catalan Folk


La sardana de la Pàtria

English translation

Sardana to The Motherland


[Long steps:]

De lluny, de lluny ve la complanta;

From far away, from far away comes the complaint;

La porta del sol, la porta el vent...

The sun carries it, the wind carries it...

La terra brunz i vibra i canta

The earth buzzes and vibrates and sings

I és pur el cel i és resplendent!

And the sky is both pure and resplendent!

Les mans demanen mans germanes

Our hands demand brotherly hands,

Que, amb fe, es retrobin i amb delit.

Which which shall find each other with faith and delight.

El blat és or damunt les planes,

The wheat is gold on the plains,

La sang és foc a dins el pit!

Blood is fire in our chests!

Quan la mà troba altra mà amiga,

When a hand finds a friend's hand,

L'estreny febrosa i l'estreny fort

It holds on to it feverishly and tightly

I, amb ella, el cor sembla que diga:

And, alongside it, the heart appears to say:

«Fins a la mort! Fins a la mort!»

''Till death do us part! 'Till death do us part!'

Ja la rodona, altiva i noble,

The haughty and noble circle is already

Volta la serra i volta el pla.

Surrounding the mountains and the plains.

Ja hi cap dins ella tot un poble

An entire people can fit inside of it,

Qui vol ser lliure i estimar.

A people that wants to be free and to love.


[Short steps:]

De lluny, de lluny ve la complanta

From far away, from far away comes the complaint

I, en cada cor, sap penetrar;

And it knows how to enter each heart;

Aquí, amb dolçor, amorosa i santa,

Here with sweetness, loving and saintly,

Allà amb estrèpit d'huracà.

Over there with the roar of a hurricane.

És la complanta de la terra

It's the earth's very own complaint

Que dansen l'aigua i el bon sol;

Which is danced by the water and the good soil;

El roure vell damunt la serra

The old oak on top of the mountain

I, prop la mare, el xic bressol.

And, close to the mother, the small cradle.

És la complanta d'una història

It's the complaint of a history

Que, del Montseny al Montserrat,

That, from the Montseny massif to Montserrat mountain,

Porta a la Pàtria pena o glòria,

Brings to the Motherland either sorrow or glory,

Segons el vent d'on ha bufat!

Depending of where the wind blows from!


[Long steps:]

Fills de la terra catalana,

Children of the Catalan land,

Dem-nos les mans! Dem-nos les mans!

Let's hold hands! Let's hold hands!

I, eternament, la gran sardana

And eternally, the great sardana

Ballem-la units com bons germans!

We must dance united, as good siblings!

L'ardent rodona hem d'eixamplar-la

The burning circle must be widened

I, quan tothom ja hi haurà entrat,

And, once everyone has entered it,

Fem que mai més puguin trencar-la

Let's make sure that they can't break any anymore

Ni occir son vol de llibertat!

Nor kill its flight of freedom!

I si la Pàtria fos ofesa,

And if the Motherland should be insulted,

El cercle estret farem llavors,

Then we shall close the circle tightly

Fins que dins ell, amb sa vilesa,

Until inside of it, with their vileness,

S'hi ofeguin junts tots els traïdors!

All the traitors are drowned!

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