Translation of the song La sargantana de dues cues artist Catalan Folk


La sargantana de dues cues

English translation

The Two-tailed Lizard

Voleu saber un conte?

Do you want to hear a story?

Jo bé us lo diré;

I will gladly tell it to you;

No en vull cap pesseta,

I don't want any pesetas,

Tampoc cap diner.

Nor any other currency.

Çò que em convindria:

What would suit me best:

Un got d'aiguardent

A liquor glass

I, després, lo conte

And, after that, the story

Ja'l 'nirem dient.

We shall tell it slowly.

Busqueu sargantanes

Look for lizards

Per los pedreguers:

In the rocky fields:

Si fan dues cues,

If they have two tails,

Valen molts diners!

They are worth a lot of money!

A Gòsol les compren

In Gòsol, they buy them

I en paguen bon preu.

And they pay a good price for them.

Busqueu sargantanes,

Look for lizards,

Minyons, si en trobeu!

Young lads, if you can find them!

D'una sargantana,

For a lizard,

En una ocasió,

In one occasion,

N'han dat dotze duros:

They gave sixty pounds: 1:

Val més que un moltó.

It's worth more than a sheep.

I ara se'ls ha morta...

And now, it has died on them...

Ai, quin desconsol!

Oh, such sorrow!

Per una sargantana

Over a lizard

N'hauran de dur dol!

They will have to be in mourning!

Aquesta gent n'eren

These people were

Un xic enlletrats

A little bit uneducated

I ara, se'ls enriuen

And now, they are mocking them

Que'ls han enganyat.

For they've been deceived.

Lo qui és més de plànyer,

He who deserves the most pity,

En pobre Jaumet

Is poor Lil' James

Qui no en sap, de lletra,

Who doesn't know how to read,

I es creu aquest fet!

And believes this as fact!

En Jaumet rumia:

Lil' James thinks:

«Per ser ramader

'In order to be a cattle breeder

En comprarem mascles

We shall buy rams

I moltons, també.»

And sheep, as well'.

«Seguirem la terra,

'Well go across the land,

Andorra i Pallars

To Andorra and Pallars

I, a totes les fires,

And, in every cattle market,

Ficarem lo nas.»

We shall stick our noses'.

Gòsol és un poble

Gòsol is a town

On no n'hi han senyors...

Where there aren't any gentlemen...

I ara, jo em penso

And now, I believe

Que n'hi tindrem dos.

That there will be two of them.

Duran geca llarga

They'll wear long coats

I barret rodó,

And bowler hats,

I en nós retrobar-los

And upon meeting them

Los direm senyor!

We shall call them sir! 2

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