Et vetlla, ben de prop, la serralada
The mountain range watches closely over you
Oh, poble benvolgut de La Valldan!
Oh, beloved village of La Valldan! 1
I es creua el teu esguard amb la mirada
And you lock eyes with the eyes
Del sentinella ardit, sempre expectant.
Of that brave sentinel, who is always expectant.
Cims de Queralt i de La Figuerassa,
Mountains of Queralt and La Figuerassa,
Assolellats o no, tostemps lluïu!
Whether you're under sunshine or not, you always shine!
Fins que la boira freda s'hi allargassa,
Until the cold fog spreads through it,
Guarda la tebior el vostre caliu.
Your radiance preserves its warmth.
Si l'ombra ateny els cingles de Garreta
If the shadows reach the cliffs of Garreta
I, a Can Ballús, gaudim d'indrets obacs,
And, in the valley of Can Ballús, we enjoy shady places,
A les fonts, riu la llum dins l'aigua neta
The light laughs in the clean waters of fountains
I es fa misteriosa sobre els llacs!
And it becomes mysterious when it falls over the lakes!
El porter del Cel
Heaven's gatekeeper
Manté la Fe del ramat de Déu!
Preserves the Faith of God's flock
A Sant Pere de Madrona
In Sant Pere de Madrona 2
I, per distreure's, més d'una estona
And, in order to pass the time, for a long while
Sol conversar amb Sant Bartomeu:
He goes to chat with Saint Bartholomew: 3
Sovint, de bon matí,
Often, very early in the morning,
En pujant a poc a poc,
As they climb very slowly,
La bona gent,
Virtuous people,
With devotion,
Fa un llarg camí
Walk a long way
I, per la festa anyal,
And, in their annual celebration,
Puja molt alt
Rises very high
La llum del foc!
The brightness of fire!
La gent d'aquí,
The people from here
Cada any, fa la Festa Major!
Organize their Holy Feast every year!
Des del més vell fins a l'infant,
From the oldest man to the youngest child
Al temple van entrant
They walk into the church
Perquè en sóc el Patró.
Because I am their Patron Saint.
Quan La Valldan esclata en festa,
When La Valldan explodes in celebration,
Són els carrers el marc millor:
The streets are the best frame to it all:
Joves i grans hi posen gresca,
Both young and old are very cheerful,
Tots els hostals la bona olor!
In all the hotels there's a lovely scent!
Escolteu! Refila el flabiol!
Listen! The flageolet is trilling!
Donem-nos les mans!
Let's hold each other's hands!
Que siguin d'amor els cants!
Let our songs be love songs!
Que trobi cada mà la mà del seu veí
Let every hand clasp the hand of its neighbour
De tal faisó que, en goig i en dol,
In such a way that, both in joy and sorrow,
Estigui unit tothom
Everyone shall stand united
I a punt per dar l'ajut que cal
And ready to lend the assistance required
Per desbrossar el camí.
To keep the way ahead clear.
Si creix el nostre amor,
If our love can grow,
També el país es farà gran
Our homeland will also be great
I, en bell esplet de joia i pau,
And, in a beautiful abundance of delight and peace,
Veurem brotar amb escreix
We shall see bloom with radiance
Aquest escreix
This marvel
Que és La Valldan!
That is La Valldan!