Té el cimall del bon Queralt
The mountaintops of the gentle sierras of Queralt
les aromes sanitoses
Have health-strengthening scents
i un alè baixant del cel
And a breath that descended from Heaven
les ha fet miraculoses!
Has made them miraculous!
Lluminosa i floreixent
Luminous and brimming (with life)
cada aroma dóna vida
Each scent lends life
d'una planta beneïda
To a plant blessed
per l'Omnipotent.
By the Omnipotent One.
Regalada amb riques fonts,
Gifted to us with plentiful fountains,
tota verda i tota ufana,
All green and proud,
de la Vall de Montserrat
Of the Valley of Montserrat
se l'ha feta sobirana...
She has been proclaimed the sovereign...
De la raça dels titans,
From the same race as the Titans,
l'anomenen gegantina
They call her a giant
i la ténen per Regina
And hold her as their Queen
tots els bergadans.
All the people from the Region of Berga.
És un tros de Paradís
It is a piece of Heaven
trasplantat a Catalunya:
Transplanted in Catalonia:
tot enyor del cor allunya
It drives longing and sadness from our hearts
i el torna feliç!
And makes them happy!
Hi ha un llençol brodat
There's a bed sheet, all embroidered
d'estrelles, que l'acotxa cada nit,
With stars, that covers her every night;
quan la nit és nebulosa
When the night is foggy,
d'una Verge dolça
Of a kind Virgin
en rep l'esguard florit.
It is under the blossomed watch.
És la Verge Moreneta
It's the Black Virgin
quan un jorn es féu trobar
Who allowed herself to be found one day
amb son Fill que l'acompanya
With her Son, who goes with her
perquè a la muntanya
So that, in the mountain,
li fessin altar.
They'd build an altar to her.
De les rudes farigoles,
From the harsh thyme,
bermellons i romaní,
Boletus and rosemary,
es congrien les aromes
Gather the scents
sota les branques dels pins...
Under the branches of the pine trees...
Quan hi puja l'estimada,
When my beloved one climbs up there
s'omple tota de perfum;
She comes all covered in perfume;
torna més enamorada
She returns even more deeply in love
i, a cada mirada,
And, in every single one of her glances,
porta un bri de llum.
There's a thread of light.
Del cimall del bon Queralt
From the mountaintops of the gentle sierras of Queralt,
les aromes sanitoses,
The health-strengthening scents,
bones aigües i abundoses
Beneficial and abundant waters
pel remei del mal!
(Are good to) heal all illnesses!