Translation of the song Les neus que es fonen artist Catalan Folk


Les neus que es fonen

English translation

The Melting Snows


[Long steps:]

Les neus de la muntanya

The snows up in the mountains

Es miren, trist, el pla

Watch, sadly, the flat lands

Que avall, avall, la terra

For down, down there, the soil

Comença a verdejar!

Starts to become green!

I totes, encongint-se

And all of them, shrinking

Davant el sol creixent:

Before the growing sun:

«S'acaba nostra vida...

'Our lives are coming to an end...

S'acaba!», es van dient.

Coming to an end!', they keep telling to each other.

I ses primeres llàgrimes

And their first tears

Ja es tornen regalims

Are now becoming a trickle

I, amb remoreig dolcíssim,

And, with the softest of all rumours,

Van devallant dels cims.

They start to descend from the heights.



«Plorem que, als ametllers,

'Let's weep for, amidst the almond trees,

L'oreig passant hi canta

The passing breeze is singing

L'absolta de les neus,

The vanquishing of the snows

Damunt de les flors blanques.»

On top of the white blossoms.'

I diu l'oreig: «Obriu-vos,

And the breeze is saying: 'Do open,

Les roses dels vergers,

Oh roses from the lush, fertile lands,

Fent cor a mes absoltes,

Showing compassion for my vanquishing,

Brandant com encensers.»

Moving like thuribles.'


[Short steps:]

Ja es gronxa la palmera

The palm tree is already swinging

Vora del mar triomfant;

By the triumphant sea;

Totes les neus són foses

All the snows are melted

I el mar, les va aplegant!

And the sea, it keeps gathering them!

I ja els hi diu: «Dormiu-vos,

And it keep telling them: 'Do sleep,

Que jo vos bressaré

For I will rock you

I, amb música d'onades,

And, with the music of the waves,

Cançons vos cantaré.»

I shall sing songs for you.'

Mes les neus tenen ànima,

But the snows have a soul,

Que sobre el mar s'hi estan:

And they remain above the sea:

I són bromeres blanques,

They are the white mists,

Les neus qui van somniant!

Those snows that keep on dreaming!

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