Translation of the song Malalt d'amor artist Catalan Folk


Malalt d'amor

English translation


Si del mar tu fossis les onades,

If you were the waves of the sea,

Jo en voldria ser el rocam

I would like to be the rocks

I esperar les teves abraçades

And await your embrace

Amb esquitxos de salanc!

With splashes of salty water!

I si fossis el mar blau,

And if you were the blue sea,

Jo voldria ser la nau

I would like to be the ship

Que navega pel teu cos,

That sails across your body,

Pam a pam, com un amant gelós.

Bit by bit, like a jealous lover.



Perquè em sé malalt d'amor

Because I know I'm lovesick

Si no hi ets pas,

If you're not there,

Perquè enyoro el teu besar

Because I miss your kisses

Si tu te'n vas...

If you leave...

Per això i per molt més,

For this and so much more,

Vull saber-te sempre al meu costat!

I want to know that you'll always be by my side!

Si del cel tu fossis les estrelles,

If you were the stars up in the sky,

Jo en voldria ésser la nit

I'd like to be night itself

Per poder lluir-les molt més belles

So I could make them shine even more beautifully

Dibuixades al teu pit.

All painted upon your breast.

I si tu fossis veler,

And if you were a sailboat,

Jo em faria mariner

I would become a sailor

Per tenir ben a prop

So I could keep very close

El teu cor, quan bufi vent de grop!

Your heart, when stormy winds approach!



Perquè em sé malalt d'amor

Because I know I'm lovesick

Si no hi ets pas,

If you're not there,

Perquè enyoro el teu besar

Because I miss your kisses

Si tu te'n vas...

If you leave...

Per això i per molt més,

For this and so much more,

Vull saber-te sempre al meu costat!

I want to know that you'll always be by my side!

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