Translation of the song Mariagneta artist Catalan Folk



English translation

Little Marianne

Ai, adéu, Mariagneta,

Oh, goodbye, Little Marianne,

mestressa dels meus sospirs!

Mistress of my sighs!

Tu robes el cor als homes

You steal the hearts of men

i a mi em fas penar i morir...

And make me die of grief...

Ai, adéu, Mariagneta:

Oh, goodbye, Little Marianne:

principi del meu sofrir!

Source of all my suffering!

Ton amant n'és a la porta,

Your lover is at the door,

que no espera sinó el «sí»;

And he expects to hear nothing but yes;

no desconsolis tons pares

Don't make your parents despair

per aconsolar-me a mi!

So that you can comfort me!

Ai, adéu, Mariagneta:

Oh, goodbye, Little Marianne:

principi del meu sofrir!

Source of all my suffering!

Que jo me'n faré, de frare,

I will become a monk

de l'ordre del caputxí.

Of the Capuchin order.

Quan en siguis, casadeta,

Once you are married,

ja m'ho enviaràs a dir.

You shall send someone to tell me.

Ai, adéu, Mariagneta:

Oh, goodbye, Little Marianne:

principi del meu sofrir!

Source of all my suffering!

Em trametràs una lletra

You will send me a letter

com et va amb el teu marit;

To tell me how things are going with your husband;

jo te'n trametré una altra

I will answer with another

com em va enllà, al monestir.

To tell you how things are there, in the monastery.

Ai, adéu, Mariagneta:

Oh, goodbye, Little Marianne:

principi del meu sofrir!

Source of all my suffering!

Si tens una criatura

If you have a child

deixa'm ésser son padrí:

Allow me to be its godfather:

si no m'ha estimat la mare,

If the mother wouldn't love me

almenys que m'estimi el fill!

At least let the child care about me!

Ai, adéu, Mariagneta,

Oh, goodbye, Little Marianne:

mestressa dels meus sospirs!

Mistress of my sighs!

Un dia, dient la missa,

One good day, while giving the Homily at Mass,

ja la carta en veu venir;

He sees how the letter arrives;

fa excuses de besar a terra,

He gives some excuses, kisses the ground

i la carta va a collir.

And goes to collect the letter.

Ai, adéu, Mariagneta:

Oh, goodbye, Little Marianne:

principi del meu sofrir!

Source of all my suffering!

Al sobrescrit de la carta

Just reading the envelope of the letter

ja n'arrenca un gran sospir.

Makes him sigh heavily.

—«Agneta de mes entranyes,

Oh, Annie of my very entrails,

si pogués tenir-t'hi ací...

If only I could have you here (with me)...

Que després d'haver-te vista

For, just by having seen you,

no em sabrà pas greu morir!»—

I would not mind it if I have to die!

Quan la missa és acabada

Once the Mass is over

la lletra cuita a llegir:

He rushes to read the letter:

tot just n'era a mig llegir-la

Just as he was halfway through it

que el cor se li va arraulir...

His heart was crushed...

Ai, adéu, Mariagneta,

Oh, goodbye, Little Marianne,

què jove t'he vist morir!

I have seen you die so young!

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