Translation of the song Marinesca artist Catalan Folk



English translation

Seamanly Song


[Long steps:]

La mar s’obre, s’obre i tanca

The seas open, they open and close

Pel bot, que hi rellisca fi;

For the boat, which sails gracefully;

I, d’escuma blanca i blanca,

And through the white, white foam

Es deixa marcar camí!

It allows its path to be directed!

Corre, corre barca nova!

Run, run oh my new sailboat!

Hissa vela, deixa el rem,

Raise your sails, leave the oar,

Que amb l’amor qui el cor em roba,

For I haven't seen since yesterday night

D’ahir nit que no ens veiem...

The love that has stolen my heart...

Timoner, segueix la ratxa

Helmsman, follow the gust

Que el vent bufa de Llevant

For the wind is blowing from the East

I, a Llafranc, mirant la platja,

And, in Llafranc, looking out into the beach,

Tinc dos braços esperant!

Two arms are awaiting me!


[Short steps:]

Té per dents perles molt fines,

For teeth, she has the finest pearls,

Que el somriure no se’n mou;

As her smile doesn't shift;

Té per ulls aigües marines

For eyes, she has blue seawaters

I, per llavis, coral nou!

And her lips, they're young soft corals!

Tot cantant farem més via:

Singing, we shall go faster:

Deixarem Calet i El Salt,

We'll leave the Calet and El Salt beaches behind,

I El Pinell ens farà guia

And the El Pinell beach shall be our guide

Del Llafranc que tot ho val!

For Llafranc, which is worth everything!

Que jo duc, com una aranya,

For my thoughts are tangled,

Enxarxat el pensament...

Just like a net...

Car jo duc a cada entranya

Because I carry her in every one of my entrails

I no en deixa cap moment!

And she doesn't leave me side for a moment!

Com voleu sentir estranyesa,

How can you feel surprised

Si a l’encant que s’hi posà

When, in the fascination that envolves me

Hi tinc un amor que em besa

There's a love that gives me a kiss

Per cada estrella que hi ha?

For each star there's up in heaven?

Estrella que hi ha!

Each star there's up in heaven!

Estrella que hi ha!

Each star there's up in heaven!

Estrella que hi ha!

Each star there's up in heaven!

Què hi ha!

It's there!

I la barca ja fondeja:

And we've released the anchor:

Baixa llums amb tremoleig

Lower the flickering lights

Que, amb el peix, la nit plateja:

For, alongside the fish, the night turns silvery:

Jo sols miro si la veig!

I can just see if I look at it!

Per això m’omple sense noses,

That's why it fills my life without annoyance,

Per això em corre per la sang;

That's why it runs through my veins;

Però tinc un món de roses

But I keep a world filled with roses

A Llafranc! Llafranc! Llafranc!

In Llafranc! Llafranc! Llafranc!

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