Translation of the song Muntanyes regalades artist Catalan Folk
Muntanyes regalades
Beloved Mountains
Muntanyes regalades
Beloved mountains
són les del Canigó,
Are those of Canigou,
que tot l'Estiu floreixen;
For they're blossomed all Summer long;
Primavera i Tardor!
Both Spring and Autumn!
Tardor i Primavera,
Both Spring and Autumn,
a tostemps hi han flors.
There are always flowers.
Hi floreixen les roses,
Roses blossom in there,
clavells de tot color!
Carnations of all colours!
Muntanyes regalades
Beloved mountains
són les del Canigó,
Are those of Canigou,
que tot l'Estiu floreixen;
For they're blossomed all Summer long;
Primavera i Tardor!
Both Spring and Autumn!
N'hi ha una donzelleta
There's a young maiden there
Qui em té robat el cor.
Who has stolen my heart.
És ben feta de talla
She has a shapely waist
i primeta de cos.
And a lithe body.
Muntanyes regalades
Beloved mountains
són les del Canigó,
Are those of Canigou,
que tot l'Estiu floreixen;
For they're blossomed all Summer long;
Primavera i Tardor!
Both Spring and Autumn!
Mireu, que la compari
Look, if the snows of Canigou
la neu del Canigó...
Can compare to her...
Mireu-vos-li la cara:
Look at her face:
n'és blanca com cotó!
It's as white as cotton!
Muntanyes regalades
Beloved mountains
són les del Canigó,
Are those of Canigou,
que tot l'Estiu floreixen;
For they're blossomed all Summer long;
Primavera i Tardor!
Both Spring and Autumn!
Tardor i Primavera,
Both Spring and Autumn,
a tostemps hi han flors.
There are always flowers.
Hi floreixen les roses,
Roses blossom in there,
clavells de tot color!
Carnations of all colours!
Muntanyes regalades
Beloved mountains
són les del Canigó,
Are those of Canigou,
que tot l'Estiu floreixen;
For they're blossomed all Summer long;
Primavera i Tardor!
Both Spring and Autumn!