Corrandes en són corrandes
Corrandes are truly corrandes 1
i corrandes són cançons,
And corrandes are songs;
car no hi ha millor barreja
For there is no better blend of people
que minyones i minyons.
Than girls and boys.
Corrandes en són corrandes,
Corrandes are truly corrandes,
que corrandes en són deu;
And there are ten corrandes;
i a les noies boniquetes,
And, to the pretty girls,
per una els hi venc deu!
For each one they give, I sell them ten!
Sempre em venies darrere,
You were always following me around,
que t'ensenyés jo cançons.
Asking me to teach you some songs.
I ara, que en saps de boniques,
And now that you know nice songs,
t'amagues pels carrerons...
You hide from me in the alleys...
Ai, noia! No t'enamoris
Oh, girl! Do not fall in love
d'un mosso qui no ha rondat,
With a lad who hasn't had his fun,
car qui no ronda de mosso,
For he who doesn't have fun as a lad,
ronda quan ja n'és casat.
Has it once he's already married.
Aigua de la mar bebia
I drank water form the sea
per l'amor d'un jovenet,
For a young man's love,
i com més aigua en bebia;
Yet the more water I drank,
com més bebia, més set.
The more water I drank, the thirstier I got.
Les noies d'aquí, Granera,
Our maidens here in Granera
quan ballen fan el saltet:
make a little hop when they dance;
no pas per l'aigua del càntir,
They don't hop for the water from the pitcher,
sí pel vi de porronet!
They hop for the wine in the wine jar!
Medicina com el vi,
A medicine like wine,
no n'he trobat jo en ma vida;
I have never found before in m life;
que de nit em fa dormir
Since it makes me sleep at night
i de bon matí, ja em crida!
And in the morning, it soon awakens me!
Sant Antoni, Sant Antoni,
Saint Anthony, Saint Anthony,
una cosa li vull dir;
I wish to tell you one thing;
que els pobres 'nem a la vinya
We poor people go to work in the vines
i els rics es beuen el vi!
And they wealthy drink all the wine!
Una figa, per 'ser bona,
A fig, in order to be good,
ha de tenir tres senyals:
Must have three qualities:
clivellada, secallona
Cracked open, fresh from the branch
i pessigada pels pardals...
And all bitten by the sparrows...
La balladora, quan balla,
The dancer, when she dances,
sempre es mira el ballador;
Always looks at her male partner;
si li penja o pas li penja
To see whether the tip of his handkerchief
la punta del mocador.
Is swaying around.
De cançons i de corrandes,
Corrandes and other songs,
tota una quartera en sé!
I know plenty of them!
Les butxaques les tinc plenes,
I have my pockets filled with them,
i encara un sac per desfer!
And a whole sack of them to be opened!