Translation of the song Sota de l'om artist Catalan Folk


Sota de l'om

English translation

Under the Elm Tree

El dia de Sant Joan

Saint John's Day

N’és diada assenyalada;

Is an important day;

Jo me’n ‘nava carrer avall,

I was walking down the street,

Carrer de l’enamorada.

My lover's street.

Oh, lai-lom!

Oh, lay-lo!

Sota de l’om quan ombrejava,

Under the elm tree as it cast its shade,

Oh, lai-lom!

Oh, lay-lo!

Quan n'hi sóc, a mig carrer,

Once I'm in the middle of the street,

Trobo la porta tancada:

I find her door locked:

– «Amor meu, baixa’m a obrir,

– 'My love, come down to open the door to me,

Que tinc la barba glaçada!»

For my beard is frozen!'

Oh, lai-lom!

Oh, lay-lo!

Sota de l’om quan ombrejava,

Under the elm tree as it cast its shade,

Oh, lai-lom!

Oh, lay-lo!

«I la sella del cavall

'And my horse's saddle

Tota blanca de rosada...»

All covered in dew...'

– «Com ne baixaria a obrir

– 'How could I come down to open it

Si estic al llit acotxada?»

When I'm all tucked in bed?'

Oh, lai-lom!

Oh, lay-lo!

Sota de l’om quan ombrejava,

Under the elm tree as it cast its shade,

Oh, lai-lom!

Oh, lay-lo!

«A un costat tinc el marit

'On one side I have my husband

I, a l’altra, tinc la mainada...»

And, on the other, I have my children...'

Estant en aquest parlar,

As they were talking about this

Son marit es despertava.

Her husband woke up.

Oh, lai-lom!

Oh, lay-lo!

Sota de l’om quan ombrejava,

Under the elm tree as it cast its shade,

Oh, lai-lom!

Oh, lay-lo!

– «Me'n diries, ma muller,

– 'Could you tell me, my wife,

Amb qui ara enraonaves?»

Who were you arguing with just now?'

– «És el mosso del forner,

– 'It's the baker's helper,

Qui ve a veure si pastava.»

Who's come to see if I was making dough.'

Oh, lai-lom!

Oh, lay-lo!

Sota de l’om quan ombrejava,

Under the elm tree as it cast its shade,

Oh, lai-lom!

Oh, lay-lo!

«No tinc el llevat posat

'I haven't added the yeast

Ni la farina passada.

Nor have I sieved the flour.

Mon marit, et llevaràs

Oh my husband, won't you get up

Per fer llevar la mainada?»

To make our children get up?'

Oh, lai-lom!

Oh, lay-lo!

Sota de l’om quan ombrejava,

Under the elm tree as it cast its shade,

Oh, lai-lom!

Oh, lay-lo!

«L’un anirà a cercar foc,

'One of them shall got to get wood for fire,

L’altre anirà a cercar aigua

The other one will go to get some water

I tu, com a més vellet,

And you, as the older man,

Aniràs a la caçada!»

Shall go to hunt!'

Oh, lai-lom!

Oh, lay-lo!

Sota de l’om quan ombrejava,

Under the elm tree as it cast its shade,

Oh, lai-lom!

Oh, lay-lo!

«Mai fa de més bon caçar

'Nothing is better for the hunt

Que a la fresca matinada:

Than the chill of the early morning:

Les llebretes van pel camp

The little hares run in the meadows

I els conills, per les ruades!»

And the rabbits, down the roads!'

Oh, lai-lom!

Oh, lay-lo!

Sota de l’om quan ombrejava,

Under the elm tree as it cast its shade,

Oh, lai-lom!

Oh, lay-lo!

– «Traïdora de muller,

– 'You teacherous wife,

Quina ja te n’has pensada?

What it is that you're scheming?

Tu me’n vols fer anar al bosc

You want to make sure I'll go to the forest

Quan tens el galant a casa!»

Now that your lover is here, at home!'

Oh, lai-lom!

Oh, lay-lo!

Sota de l’om quan ombrejava,

Under the elm tree as it cast its shade,

Oh, lai-lom!

Oh, lay-lo!

«Qui et pogués veure, muller,

'How I wish I could see you, oh wife,

Dins una caixa tancada,

Locked in a coffin,

Amb els capellans cantant

With the priests singing

I la creu i la mortalla!»

With a cross and your shroud!'

Oh, lai-lom!

Oh, lay-lo!

Sota de l’om quan ombrejava,

Under the elm tree as it cast its shade,

Oh, lai-lom!

Oh, lay-lo!

– «Qui et pogués veure, marit,

– 'How I wish I could see you, oh my husband,

A dins tot un munt de palla

Trapped in a heap of straw

Amb foc als quatre cantons

Set on fire through four corners

I la cendra ben ventada!»

And with the ashes, smouldering!'

Oh, lai-lom!

Oh, lay-lo!

Sota de l’om quan ombrejava,

Under the elm tree as it cast its shade,

Oh, lai-lom!

Oh, lay-lo!

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