Translation of the song Vell mariner artist Catalan Folk


Vell mariner

English translation

Old Sailor

A un racó de taverna,

In the corner of some tavern,

A s'a vorera de's port,

Right by the port,

Te veig seure cada vespre,

I see you sit every evening,

Amorrat en e's teu got.

With your lips stuck to your glass.

Vell mariner sense barca,

Old sailor without a boat,

Sense vela ni timó;

Without sails nor a rudder;

Sols una vella berganta

Only an old whore

Te dóna sa compassió.

Offers you her compassion.



Però tornes...

But you come back...

Però tornes, cada nit,

But you come back every night,

A prendre e's teu vol tant màgic

To retake your magic flight

Dalt d’onades d’esperit.

Atop waves of liquor.

I, si un vespre malparit

And, if a bitch of an evening

D’aquest somni no despertes,

You don't wake up from this dream,

Navega pel cel, feliç,

Sail across the heavens, happy,

Recolzat damunt coberta!

Leaning out of the ship's deck!

No tens amics qui t’envoltin,

You don't have any friends to surround you,

Ni pescadors per xerrar.

Nor fishermen to talk to.

Una nansa i s'a fitora,

A fish trap and a spyglass

Són e's teu poc capital.

Are your meager wealth!

I una guitarra rompuda,

And a broken guitar,

Amb e's so mig esquerdat,

With a half-cracked out sound,

De s'a que treus per tonada

From which you lift, as a tune,

Cançons de's avantpassats.

Songs from our ancestors.



Però tornes...

But you come back...

Però tornes, cada nit,

But you come back every night,

A prendre e's teu vol tant màgic

To retake your magic flight

Dalt d’onades d’esperit.

Atop waves of liquor.

I, si un vespre malparit

And, if a bitch of an evening

D’aquest somni no despertes,

You don't wake up from this dream,

Navega pel cel, feliç,

Sail across the heavens, happy,

Recolzat damunt coberta!

Leaning out of the ship's deck!

I, si un vespre malparit

And, if a bitch of an evening

D’aquest somni no despertes,

You don't wake up from this dream,

Navega pel cel, feliç,

Sail across the heavens, happy,

Recolzat damunt coberta...

Leaning out of the ship's deck...

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