Translation of the song ジェニ—ナ artist Kanako Wada



English translation


夏の日射しのロンド まぶしさで受けとめて

Summer sunshine's round dance, catch me with your radiance.

ときどきうしろ振りむくの さみしくて

I sometimes look back, feeling lonely.

幸せつれた人たち にぎわうプロムナードで

Among people accompanied by happiness on the crowded promenade.

なくしたセンチメンタルを 探すのよ

I search for my lost sentimentality.

あなたがくれた優しさ 忘れかけたあの日から

Since the day I began to forget the tenderness you gave me,

確かな言葉欲しくて 1人を選んだ私

Wanting certain words, I chose only one person.

ダイアリーに書き留めた 想い出破いて

The memories I tore out of my diary


make a mosaic pattern in the blue wind.

ビルに落ちてく夕陽の 赤いスポットライト

The red spotlight of the sun sets behind the buildings.

いつか夜が忍び寄れば さみしくて

In time when night creeps up, I'll be lonely.

きらめく夏のジェニーナ 悲しみに抱かれたら

Janina of the sparkling summer, [if you're] held by sorrow,

輝けるわ昨日よりも Dear my happiness

can shine brighter than yesterday, dear my happiness.

明日を信じきれない 瞳が悲しすぎたわ

Your eyes that couldn't believe in tomorrow completely were so sad [to see].

1つの愛に命さえ 投げだす時が欲しいの

I want a chance to sacrifice even my life for one love.


In the drama of the futile search for Shangri La,


I dance the prima donna role alone.

ビルに落ちてく夕陽の 赤いスポットライト

The red spotlight of the sun sets behind the buildings.

いつか夜が忍び寄れば さみしくて

In time when night creeps up, I'll be lonely.

きらめく夏のジェニーナ 悲しみに抱かれたら

Janina of the sparkling summer, [if you're] held by sorrow,

輝けるわ昨日よりも Dear my happiness

can shine brighter than yesterday, dear my happiness.

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