Translation of the song Adrenalin artist Z++
Više nemam stida,
There's no more shame,
Tebi je puno,
You're done,
Bez mene nemaš mira,
Without me you don't have peace,
Traži nešt' drugo
Search for something else
I adrenalin mi raste predugo,
And my adrenaline is rising for too long,
Drži se uz mene,
Hold onto me,
Ako ne, idi nekom drugome
If not, go to someone else
Svatko ima svoju strast,
Everyone has their own passion,
Znam tko je bio tu,
I know who was here,
Znam tko je naš,
I know who's ours,
Znam tko je moj tim
I know who's on my team
Briga me za vas,
I don't care about y'all,
Kad pumpa, pumpa bas
When it's pumping, it pumps bass
Retfatlanta daje gas,
Retfatlanta accelerates,
Letim ispod radara
I'm flying under the radar
Uvijek ispred vremena
Always in front of time
'Oćeš sa mnom?
Wanna go with me?
Ne znam baš
I don't know
Priča ti je labava,
Your story is loose,
Al' na kraju krajeva
But after all
Sve je samo zabava,
Everything is just for fun,
Znaš da ljubav boli,
You know that love hurts,
A povjerenje ubija,
And trust kills,
Ko' da nema vremena,
As if there's no time,
Pa istina je laž,
The truth is a lie,
A laži su ti san,
And your lies are a dream,
Kažeš ne znaš tko si,
You say you don't know who you are,
Pusti da te vozi,
Leave it to drive you,
Zatvori oči i uživaj u vožnji
Close your eyes and enjoy the ride
Više nemam stida,
There's no more shame,
Tebi je puno,
You're done,
Bez mene nemaš mira,
Without me you don't have peace,
Traži nešt' drugo
Search for something else
I adrenalin mi raste predugo,
And my adrenaline is rising for too long,
Drži se uz mene,
Hold onto me,
Ako ne, idi nekom drugome
If not, go to someone else