Translation of the song 大石碎胸口 artist Omnipotent Youth Society (Band)
The boulder that broke the chest
The Fisher King still wants to be the Fisher King
可海港已经 不知去向
Already the harbor is nowhere to be found
此刻他醉倒 在洗浴中心
Now he's passed out drunk at the public pool
Drowned(?) in the tides of dreams
The chest finished the twilight dusk(?)
肥胖的城市 递给他一个
The fat city handed him one(?)
传统的方法 来克制恐慌
The traditional way to keep panic in check
Sell weapons, stormwinds, and throats(?)
In exchange for food and drink
Treason can allow you to become free
停电之后 暂时摆脱了
A power outage later, temporarily broke free
坚硬的时刻 倒转的河
In a solid(?) moment the river changes course
The fat city
驱赶着所有 拒绝沉没的人
Is driving to refuse(?) all the sinking people
The frantic song echoed out
电灯熄灭 物换星移 泥牛入海
The lights go out for the stars as an ox into the sea
黑暗好像 一颗巨石 按在胸口
Dark like a single boulder pushing against the chest
独脚大盗 百万富翁 摸爬滚打
On one foot the old bandit millionaire(?) trained
黑暗好像 一颗巨石 按在胸口
Dark like a single boulder pushing against the chest