Translation of the song Dijamanti artist Z++
Upali moje svjetlo da te vidim ponovo
Turn on my light so I can see you again
Odvedi me na mjesto koje nudi odgovor
Lead me to a place that offers an answer
I samo jedan osmjeh tvoj mi vrati napokon
And finally give me back one of your smiles
Uspomene, e-e
Osloni se na mene, čuvam te kô dijamant (Dijamant)
Lean on me, I'm protecting you like a diamond (Diamond)
I jednom kada krenem, znaš da neću nikad stat' (Nikad stat')
And once I start, you know I'll never stop (Never stop)
Svi radili su greške, radio sam ih i ja
Everybody did mistakes, I did them too
Nema veze, ne
Doesn't matter, no
Znam da nije bilo uzalud
I know it wasn't in vain
Jer oči su ti kao dijamanti
Because your eyes are like diamonds
Sjaje mi u noć kad mrak me prati
They're shining for me in the night when the dark's following me
Pali cijeli grad i svjetlo vrati
Light the whole city up and return the light
Neka sjaji noćas put do tvoje luke
Let it light a way to your harbour
Daj mi svoje ruke
Give me your hands
I pogledaj u sunce
And look at the sun
U zalazak mi plovimo
Into sunset we sail
Sloboda me kô blagi vjetar nosi lagano
Freedom is carrying me easy like a gentle breeze
Na one dane kad sam cijele noći tragao
On those days when I was searching the whole night
A našao sam ono što je uvijek stajalo ispred mene, e-e
And I found what always stood in front of me
Jer ne želimo biti novi prerani kraj
Because we don't want to be the new premature end
U očima ti vidim samo zvjedani sjaj
I only see a starry gleam in your eyes
Dobro nas vrijeme prati i sunce poklanjam ti
Good weather is following us and I'm gifting you the sun
Ovdje ostani mi
Stay here for me
Ništa nije bilo uzalud
Nothing was in vain
Jer oči su ti kao dijamanti
Because your eyes are like diamonds
Sjaje mi u noć kad mrak me prati
They're shining for me in the night when the dark is following me
Pali cijeli grad i svjetlo vrati
Light the whole city up and return the light
Neka sjaji noćas put do tvoje luke
Let it light a way to your harbour
Daj mi svoje ruke
Give me your hands
I pogledaj u sunce
And look at the sun
U zalazak mi plovimo
Into sunset we sail
Jer oči su ti kao dijamanti
Because your eyes are like diamonds
Sjaje mi u noć kad mrak me prati
They're shining for me in the night when the dark is following me
Pali cijeli grad i svjetlo vrati
Light the whole city up and return the light
Neka sjaji noćas put do tvoje luke
Let it light a way to your harbour
Daj mi svoje ruke
Give me your hands
I pogledaj u sunce
And look at the sun
U zalazak mi plovimo
Into sunset we sail