Translation of the song Dino Dvornik artist Z++
Dino Dvornik
Dino Dvornik
Samo pitanja u magli
Just questions in the fog
Tvoje me oči opet gledaju
Your eyes are looking at me again
A snovi ispare u trenu
And dreams evaporate in a second
Traži me u novom vremenu
Look for me in the new times
I kao da se opet gubim
And it's like I'm losing myself again
Grad mi je okupan u sivilu
My town is bathed in gray
A moji snovi su u boji
And my dreams are colorful
Gledaj kada ulice obojaju
Watch when they color the streets
I kao da mi više ništa
And like nothing more is
Nije dovoljno i ne trebam
Necessary for me and I don't need
Previše pitanja da shvatim
Too much questions to understand
Da da da da
That that that if
Da si tu
If you were here
Ne bi ti bolje bilo, znaj
It wouldn't be better for you, you know
Bez mene naći ćeš svoj put
Without me you'll find your way
Moj duh ostaje slobodan
My spirit stays free
I da li znaš
And do you know
Da opet kažu da sam lud
That they say I'm crazy again
Kad svjetla ugase se sva
When all the lights go out
Ostaje samo muzika
Only music remains
Dok druge kradu moju snagu
While others steal my strength
Ti pratiš me u svakom koraku
You follow me every step of the way
A i po noći i po danu
And through the night and through the day
Ludi ritam vrti me u krug
Crazy beat spins me around
Sve dolazi u svoje vrijeme
Everything comes in its time
Samo ako si tako napraviš
Only if you make it so
Poroci vrebaju iz sjene
Vices lurking from the shadows
A ja volim izbor pogrešni
And I like to choose the wrong thing
I kao da mi više ništa
And like nothing more is
Nije dovoljno i ne trebam
Necessary for me and I don't need
Previše pitanja da shvatim
Too much questions to understand
Da da da da
That that that if
Da si tu
If you were here
Ne bi ti bolje bilo, znaj
It wouldn't be better for you, you know
Bez mene naći ćeš svoj put
Without me you'll find your way
Moj duh ostaje slobodan
My spirit stays free
I da li znaš
And do you know
Da opet kažu da sam lud
That they say I'm crazy again
Kad svjetla ugase se sva
When all the lights go out
Ostaje samo muzika
Only music remains