Translation of the song Viriliter Agite artist Clamavi De Profundis

English, Latin

Viriliter Agite

English translation

Act manfully

Viriliter agite

Act manfully

Vigilate state in fide

Stand fast in the faith

Viriliter agite

Act manfully

Et confortamini

And be comforted

From the curse of our desolation

From the curse of our desolation

In our work we must find salvation

In our work we must find salvation

Remember man that thou art dust

Remember man that thou art dust

In the yoke of the cross we trust

In the yoke of the cross we trust

Viriliter agite

Act manfully

Vigilate state in fide

Stand fast in the faith

Viriliter agite

Act manfully

Et confortamini

And be comforted

The world’s pattern is our undoing

The world’s pattern in our undoing

Be reformed in your mind’s renewing

Be reformed in your mind’s renewing

Holy writ, the scholar’s plume

Holy writ, the scholar’s plume

Ignorance of the law is doom.

Ignorance of the law is doom.

Fratres, sobrii estote et vigilate

Brethren, be sober and watch

Quia adversarius vester diabolus

because your adversary the devil,

Tamquam leo rugiens circuit

as a roaring lion goeth about

Quaerens quem devoret

seeking whom he may devour

Cui resistite fortes in fide.

Whom resist ye, strong in the faith.

Tu autem Domine, miserere nobis.

But thou, O Lord, have mercy on us.

Deo Gratias

Thanks be to God.

Viriliter agite

Act manfully

Vigilate state in fide

Stand fast in the faith

Viriliter agite

Act manfully

Et confortamini

And be comforted

Stabat Mater dolorosa

The grieving Mother stood

Iuxta crucem lacrimosa

Weeping beside the cross

Dum pendebat Filius

Where Her Son was hanging

Pertransivit gladius.

the sword has passed.

Viriliter agite

Act manfully

Vigilate state in fide

Stand fast in the faith

Viriliter agite

Act manfully

Et confortamini

And be comforted

Stand in faith with deep conviction,

Stand in faith with deep conviction,

Love thy brethren, endure affliction,

Love thy brethren, endure affliction,

In your scabbard keep your sword,

In your scabbard keep your sword,

Holy soldiers of the Lord.

Holy soldiers of the Lord.

Te Deum laudámus: te Dominum confitémur.

We praise thee, O God : we acknowledge thee to be the Lord.

Te ætérnum Patrem omnis terra venerátur.

All the earth doth worship thee : the Father everlasting.

Te ergo quǽsumus, tuis fámulis súbveni,

We therefore pray thee, help thy servants :

quos pretióso sánguine redemísti.

whom thou hast redeemed with thy precious blood.

Ætérna fac cum sanctis tuis in glória numerári.

Make them to be numbered with thy Saints : in glory everlasting.

Salvum fac pópulum tuum, Domine

O Lord, save thy people

et bénedic hæreditati tuæ

And bless thine heritage.

Et rege eos, et extólle illos usque in aetérnum

Et govern them : and lift them up for ever.

In te, Dómine, sperávi: non confúndar in ætérnum.

O Lord, in thee have I trusted : let me never be confounded

Viriliter agite

Act manfully

Vigilate state in fide

Stand fast in the faith

Viriliter agite

Act manfully

Et confortamini

And be comforted

Prayer unceasing, sacrifices,

Prayer unceasing, sacrifices,

Purge your soul of all its vices,

Purge your soul of all its vices,

Quam bonum et quam iucundum,

How good and how pleasant

Habitare fratres in unum.

To live together in brothers.

Viriliter agite (Dominus, Filius, Spiritus)

Act manfully (Lord, Son, Spirit)

Vigilate state in fide (Sancta Trinitas)

Stand fast in the faith (Holy Trinity)

Viriliter agite (Maria, Angeli)

Act manfully (Mary, Angels)

Et confortamini (omnes sanctae Dei)

And be comforted (all saints of God)

Seven times a day I praise Thee

Seven times a day I praise Thee

I have loved Thy commands that raised me

I have loved Thy commands that raised me

Let my prayer come near Thy sight

Let my prayer come near Thy sight

Lead my heart in the way of right.

Lead my heart in the way of right.

In manus tuas Domine comendo spiritum meum

Into Thy hands O Lord I commend my spirit

In manus tuas Domine comendo spiritum meum

Into Thy hands O Lord I commend my spirit

Redemisti nos Domine, Deus Veritatis

Thou hast redeemed us O Lord, God of truth

Comendo spiritum meum

I commend my spirit

Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui Sancto

Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui Sancto

In manus tuas Domine comendo spiritum meum

Into Thy hands O Lord I commend my spirit

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