Translation of the song Na pola puta dolje artist Z++


Na pola puta dolje

English translation

Half Way Down

Dok tumaram ovim gradom

As I wander through this town

Grešan i umoran

Sinful and weary

Na pola puta dolje

Half way down

A tebe našo' sam

And I found you

Tvoj dodir tako blago

Your touch reveals

Tajnu mi otkriva

The secret so gently

A nakon tol'ko dugo

And after such a long time

Sam sazno' 'ko sam ja

I found who I am



Pruži mi ruke, vodi me sad

Give me your hands, guide me now

Ne trebam više ja nikoga

I don't need anyone anymore



A nikog drugog osim tebe

And no one but you

Dodirni me i adrenalin opet teče mi kroz vene

Touch me and adrenaline flows through my veins again

A tvoje oči prate mene, samo čekaju da krenem

And your eyes follow me, just waiting for me to go

I gori sve, ti znaš da palim se na tebe

And everything is burning, you know you put me on fire

Proširi mi obzore

Widen my horizons

Dok se vozim tamnom stranom

As I drive on the dark side

Po cesti ludosti

Over the madness road

U zadnji čas tvoj zanos

Your exhilaration points me

Svjetlu me usmjeri

To the light in the last moment

Vodim te svuda sa mnom

I take you with me everywhere

To dobro zapamti

Remember it well

A vrijeme teče brzo

And time flows fast

Kada te nabavim

When I get my hands on you



Pruži mi ruke, vodi me sad

Give me your hands, guide me now

Ne trebam više ja nikoga

I don't need anyone anymore



A nikog drugog osim tebe

And no one but you

Dodirni me i adrenalin opet teče mi kroz vene

Touch me and adrenaline flows through my veins again

A tvoje oči prate mene, samo čekaju da krenem

And your eyes follow me, just waiting for me to go

I gori sve, ti znaš da palim se na tebe

And everything is burning, you know you put me on fire

Proširi mi obzore

Widen my horizons

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