Translation of the song San artist Z++



English translation




Kako je dobro biti tu

How good it is to be here

Gledati ljudi gomilu

Watch masses of people

Kako mi ruke pružaju

Reaching with their hands to me

Ali znam...

But I know...

Kad ostanem sam

When I stay alone

Kad svjetla se ugase

When lights go out

Tad poželim da...

Then I wish that...

Sunce je tu

Sun is here

Tvoj dodir me prati i u snu

Your touch follows me in dreams too

Tako je dobro bit na svjetlu

It is so good to be in the light

Gorit u tvome plamenu

Burning inside your embrace

Znaš li da...

Do you know that...

Kad ostanem sam

When I stay alone

Kad svjetla se ugase

When lights go out

Tad poželim da

Then I wish that

Da opet si kraj mene

You're by my side again

Kad ostanem sam

When I stay alone

Kad svjetla se ugase

When lights go out

Tad poželim da

Then I wish that

Da opet si kraj mene

You're by my side again

Opet tvoj dodir osjećam

I feel your touch again

Tako je dobro, obećaj

It is so good, promise me

Da nikada neću biti sam

I will never be alone

Kad otvorim oči vidim dan

When I open my eyes, I see daylight

I shvatim da sve je bio...

And I realize it was all a...

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