Translation of the song Sutra artist Z++
Ove ulice su prljave
These streets are dirty
Ovdje noći duge traju vječno
Long nights last too long here
Ove linije su prekratke
These lines are too short
Da prave razliku jer sve je isto
To make a difference because everything is tjhe same
Svjetla u noći me svaki put iznova
Lights in the night time after time
Vode na krivo mjesto
Take me to the wrong place
Kažem da prestat ću, još samo jedan put
I say I will stop, just one more time
Al' nikad nisam presto
But I never stopped
Bez tebe ne mogu, a s tobom ne ide
I can't go on without you, and it's not working out with you
Bio sam tu već davno
I've already been here a long time ago
U krug se vrtimo, a nikad shvatimo
We spin in cricles, and never realise
Da sve je jednostavno
That it's all simple
Nekada mi čini se da jedini je prijatelj
Sometimes it seems to me my only friend is
Ovaj grad koji prati me u noći kako nestajem
This city following me wile I disappear into the night
Radoznale oči gledaju kako me fura,
Curious eyes looking at me how I'm driven,
A ja samo želim da preživim do sutra
And I just want to survive until tommorow,
Da preživim do sutra....
Survive until tommorow...
Ovaj grad je kao labirint
This town is like a maze
Tu nema izlaza, ja ne mogu stat
There's no exit here, I can't stop
Budim se na lošim mjestima
I wake up in bad places
Glasovi govore da trebam prestat
Voices saying I should stop
Po meni ožiljci od loših izbora
Scars made by bad choices cover me
Ne ulaze u sjene
Not going into the shadows
Kerovi traže me, grizu i laju na mene
Dogs looking for me, biting and barking at me
Al' 'ko ih jebe
But fuck them
Bez tebe ne mogu, a s tobom ne ide
I can't go on without you, and it's not working out with you
Bili smo tu već sto put
We've been here a hudred times before
U krug se vrtimo i sada teško je
We spin in cricles, and now it's hard
Napisat priču novu
To write a new story