Translation of the song Ulice artist Z++
A iza mene zmije isipaju otrov mi u čašu,
And behind my back the snakes are pouring their venom into my glass,
Opet nemam mira noćima
Again I have no peace at night
I znam da sitne duše preko mojih leđa
And I know that tiny souls across my back
Pune svoja prazna srca od papira,
Fill their empty hearts out of paper,
Probaj i uzmi mi sve,
Try and take my everything,
Zabrani me, ali ne možeš
Forbid me, but you can't
Ugasit ulice
Turn off the streets
Prljave zvijeri kuju prljave planove
Filthy beasts forge filthy plans
Zure u mene, bacaju balvane na puteve
They stare at me, throwing chumps on the ways
Nisi s nama sadio, pa nećeš brati usjeve
You didn't sow with us, so you're not gonna reap
A mi smo djeca ulice, ne priznajemo ucjene
And we're the kids of street, we don't accept blackmail
Novac je super dok ti dušu ne popije
Money is great till it doesn't drink up your soul
Lažu same sebe da smo samo loše kopije
They lie to themselves that we're just bad copies
Šalji odvjetnike, advokate i krvopije
Send lawyers, advocates and bloodsuckers
Da mi uzmu pare koje uopće ne postoje
To take my money that doesn't even exist
A ulice i dalje vole me, i znaš to
But the streets still love me, and you know that
Oni kopaju mi ponore, a zašto?
They dig my abyss, but why?
Ljudi rade, a štakori rovare
People are working, but rats are burrowing
A onda upadnu u svoju rupu zbog ljubomore
And then they fall into their own hole because of jealousy
A iza mene zmije isipaju otrov mi u čašu,
And behind my back the snakes are pouring their venom into my glass,
Opet nemam mira noćima
Again I have no peace at night
I znam da sitne duše preko mojih leđa
And I know that tiny souls across my back
Pune svoja prazna srca od papira,
Fill their empty hearts out of paper,
Probaj i uzmi mi sve,
Try and take my everything,
Zabrani me, ali ne možeš
Forbid me, but you can't
Ugasit ulice
Turn off the streets
Retfatlanta puca kao revolver
Retfatlanta shots like a revolver
Kurve vrte dupetom kao zmije repove
Bitches spin their asses like snakes their tails
Oni ruše moje snove i šalju mi kerove
They tear down my dreams and send me dogs
A ja opet dat ću cijelog se u ove redove
And again I'm gonna give myself into all of these orders
Da ću pobjedit mogu ti zakunit se
I can swear to you that I'm gonna win
Mi smo heroji ulice, a ne studijske kurvice
We're heroes of the streets, not some study bitches
Kad se s vama rukujem, navučem rukavice
When I shake your hands, I put on the gloves
Ljubomorne guzice, prave mi sapunice
Jealous asses, make me soap operas
A ulice i dalje vole me i znaš to
But the streets still love me, and you know that
Oni kopaju mi ponore, a zašto?
They dig my abyss, but why?
Ljudi rade, pičke sranja govore
People work, cunts shit talk
Nagodinu pojest ćete se od ljubomore
After a year you're gonna eat yourselves out of jealousy
A iza mene zmije isipaju otrov mi u čašu,
And behind my back the snakes are pouring their venom into my glass,
Opet nemam mira noćima
Again I have no peace at night
I znam da sitne duše preko mojih leđa
And I know that tiny souls across my back
Pune svoja prazna srca od papira,
Fill their empty hearts out of paper,
Probaj i uzmi mi sve,
Try and take my everything,
Zabrani me, ali ne možeš
Forbid me, but you can't
Ugasit ulice
Turn off the streets