Translation of the song Bez obzira na sve artist Dino Merlin


Bez obzira na sve

English translation

Regardless of everything

Bez obzira na sve što o nama govore,

Regardless of everything they say about us,

što na pola koplja su noćas naše zastave,

why our flags are on half the spear tonight,*

i to što te mati neće meni dati,

and that why your mother won't give you to me,

i to što se nikad nećeš mojom zvati,

and that why you will never call yourself mine,

jedina, gadna su vremena...

my only(one),the times are repulsive...

Bez obzira na sve, zore su najgore.

Regardless of everything,dawns are the worst.

Bez obzira na to, ja ne kunem prozore.

Regardless of that,I don't curse the windows.

Mada znam da nikad na njih nećeš pokucati,

Even though I know that you will never knock on them,

mada znam da nikad više nećeš moja biti,

even though I know that you will never be mine again,

jedina, gadna su vremena...

my only(one),the times are repulsive...

Hej, hej, hej, bez obzira na sve,

Oh,oh,oh,regardless of everything,

hej, hej, hej, i na moje oči snene,

oh,oh,oh,and of my tired eyes,

suzu što za tobom vene,

the tear that withers for you,

moja si, moja ćeš ostati...

you are mine,mine you will remain...

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