Translation of the song Bosnom behar probeharao artist Dino Merlin
Bosnom behar probeharao
The Blossom Has Bloomed In Bosnia
Kelner vino natoči
Waiter pour wine
da pijane oči ne gledaju više u nju
That my drunken eyes don't look at her anymore
od večeras nam srca zajedno nisu
From tonight on our hearts aren't together
razdvojeno put putuju
They (the hearts) travel separately
Bosnom behar probeharao
The blossom has bloomed in Bosnia
mene život razočarao
Life has disappointed me
svuda behar na nju miriše
Everywhere the blossom smells like her
a ja uzdišem
And I sigh (the smell)
Malo car, malo sluga
A bit of a tzar, a bit of a servant
malo sreća, malo tuga al' ljubav ostaje
A bit of happiness, a bit of sorrow, but love remains
ovo moje ludo srce nikad nije znalo
This crazy heart of mine never knew
da slaže i da sakrije
(How) to lie and to hide
Kelner vino natoči
Waiter pour wine
da pijane usne istinu progovore
That my drunken lips tell the truth
zbog nje sam izdao Boga i staru ljubav
I've betrayed God and my old love because of her
i sve što sveto je
And everything that's holy