Translation of the song Božic je artist Dino Merlin


Božic je

English translation

It's Christmas

Nisi bila budna kad sam stigao,

You weren't awake when I arrived

sav ranjen od snova.

All wounded from dreams

Sem tebe ništa nisam imao,

Besides you I've had nothing

ti si bila moja stara i nova...

You were my old and new

Pjevaju noćas divlji jablani,

Singing tonight are wild poplars

a moja duša je od katrana..

and my soul is from tar

Sad su mi neki dripci odani

now some ruffians are loyal to me

a i ti nisi više moja dragana...

and you are not my darling anymore....

Loše mi je!...

things are rough for me...

Dan se ovdje sporo dovlaci,

Day slowly crawls here

kao u zoru pijanac.

like a drunk in the dawn

Ti se večeras drugom oblačiš,

you are getting dressed for so,eone else tonight

ja sam stranac.

I am a stranger

Mislim da nema više razloga,

I think that there are no more reasons

sudba je moja uboga.

my destiny is bad

Nikad mi ništa nije donijela,

It has never brought me anything

al' mi je tebe odnijela...

but it took you away (from me)

Pjevaju noćas divlji gavrani,

Singing tonight are wild ravens

umjesto naših svatova..

instead of our wedding party

Sad su mi neki dripci odani,

now some ruffians are loyal to me

samo nema više mojih starih drugova...

my old friends are no longer here

Božic je, a kao da nije...

It's Christmas but it dosn't seem like it

Kad sam bez tebe - sve isto mi je.....

when I'm without you it's all the same to me

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