Translation of the song Cijela Juga Jedna Avlija artist Dino Merlin
Cijela Juga Jedna Avlija
The Whole Yugoslavia, One Backyard
Sizi beograd, sizi novi sad
dance belgrade, dance novi sad
tuzla, sombor, zagreb, titograd
tuzla, sombor, zagreb, titograd
cijela juga jedna avlija
the whole yugoslavia, one backyard
vesela estrada, zvjezdica parada
cheerful estrade, starry parade
kafe, kenijade i curice mlade
coffee, kenijades and young girls
alaj mi je, sta mi je, kako mi je nocas nervoza
but to me, what's with me, tonight im so fussy
kukurijeku zeleni, hajde malo meni
green christmas rose, come to me for a while
taj ti sve laze a i plavci ga traze
he just lies to you, and the police are looking for him
tvoj sam zemljak, radnik, seljak, hajde sa mnom ne pati
im your country man, worker, villager, come, dont fret with me
hoces, neces, ne moras
you want to, you dont, you dont have to
hoces, neces, ne moras
you want to, you dont, you dont have to
hoces, neces me, svejedno mi je
you want, or dont want me, its all the same
hoces, neces, ne moras
you want to, you dont, you dont have to
hoces, neces, ne moras
you want to, you dont, you dont have to
hoces, neces me, svejedno mi je
you want, or dont want me, its all the same
srbi, bosanci, crnci i albanci
serbians, bosnians, blacks and albanians
nikad u mom gradu nisu bili stranci
were never foreigners in my city
pa sta se to sa tobom desava
so whats going on with you?
sizi beograd, sizi novi sad
dance belgrade, dance novi sad
tuzla, sombor, zagreb, titograd
tuzla, sombor, zagreb, titograd
cijela juga jedna avlija
the whole yugoslavia, one backyard
hoces, neces, ne moras
you want to, you dont, you dont have to
hoces, neces, ne moras
you want to, you dont, you dont have to
hoces, neces me, svejedno mi je
you want, or dont want me, its all the same
hoces, neces, ne moras
you want to, you dont, you dont have to
hoces, neces, ne moras
you want to, you dont, you dont have to
hoces, neces me, svejedno mi je
you want, or dont want me, its all the same
svejedno mi je...
its all the same to me