Translation of the song Da se kući vratim artist Dino Merlin
Da se kući vratim
To return home
Mogu li Bože da živim još samo jedan dan
Could I, God, live for just another day
još jednom sunce nad Bosnom da ugledam
Just once more, see the sunset over Bosnia
mogu li rijeku na izvor da vratim
Can I bring the river back to it's fount
pošteno svaki grijeh da platim
With pride take the punishment for all my sins
Mogu li Bože da živim još samo jedan dan
Could I, God, live for just another day
Šta mi to noćas može biti utjeha
Oh what could comfort me this night
još jedna zora sviće bez dragog osmijeha
Another dawn will break without a loving smile
može li gnijezdo naći ptica
Could the bird find its nest
može li dom svoj naći izbjeglica
Could the refugee find his home
Mogu li Bože da živim još samo jedan dan
Could I, God, live for just another day
Pa da se kući vratim, tamo me manje boli
So I could return home, where it doesn't hurt as much
tamo me neko čeka, tamo me još neko voli
There, someone awaits me, there, someone still loves me
da se u Bosnu vratim, da me tuga mine
So I could return to Bosnia, so my sorrow would decrease
lakše je bez sudbine nego bez domovine
It's easier to live without a destiny, than without a home
Šta mi to noćas može biti utjeha
Oh what could comfort me this night
još jedna zora sviće bez dragog osmijeha
Another dawn will break without a loving smile
može li gnijezdo naći ptica
Could the bird find its nest
može li dom svoj naći izbjeglica
Could the refugee find his home
Mogu li Bože da živim još samo jedan dan
Could I, God, live for just another day
Pa da se kući vratim, tamo me manje boli
So I could return home, where it doesn't hurt as much
tamo me neko čeka, tamo me još neko voli
There, someone awaits me, there, someone still loves me
da se u Bosnu vratim, da me tuga mine
So I could return to Bosnia, so my sorrow would decrease
lakše je bez sudbine nego bez domovine
It's easier to live without a destiny, than without a home