Translation of the song De facto Fato artist Dino Merlin
De facto Fato
In fact Fato (Shortform for Fatima)
Ne možeš me poznat' po ljepoti
You can't know me by beauty
nisam Maradona ni u lopti
I'm not Maradonna in playing soccer
a nisam vala baš ni radeljaš
and I'm really not a Radeljas
a i da jesam radeljaš je naš
and if I am a Radeljas is us/ there are we
Ne možeš me poznat' po frizuri
You can't know me by my haircut
ona mi je još u proceduri
It is still in procedure
nisam ti ni neka jalija
I'm not some Jalija*
ma vidiš da sam k'o oklagija
You see though that I'm like a rolling pin
Samo u jednom sam najbolji od svih
In only one thing I'm the best of all (others)
najbolji o tebi znam napisati stih
The best in writing a songtext about you
A to je to, de facto Fato
This is it, in fact Fato
to je to, od Boga mi dato
This is it, given me by God
to je to, i srebro i zlato
This is it, and silver and gold
ma kakvo more, kakva inspiracija
which ocean, ha, which inspiration
ti si Fato sasvim realna frustracija
you are Fato a quite real frustration
Ne možeš me poznati po lozi
Neither can't you know me by (my) lodge
ni po maloj ni velikoj dozi
Nor neither by little nor big dose
samo možda nekad po nervozi
Maybe only sometimes by nervousness
kad nisi tu
when you are not here
Gdje li si mi sad kopile jedno
Where'd you be now, you bastard (female)
kažu mi da kradom slušaš tehno
They say me that you are listening to Techno
a nekada si prevrtala stol
And sometimes you flipped the table
kad krene rock'n'roll
when Rock'n'Roll has started (to play)
Sve sam zbog tebe pjesme napisao
Every song I wrote because of you
ja sam zbog tebe veslo sisao
I was going down (~searching) for puddles because of you
A to je to, de facto Fato
This is it, in fact Fato
to je to, od Boga mi dato
This is it, given me by God
to je to, i srebro i zlato
This is it, and silver and gold
ma kakvo more, kakva inspiracija
which ocean, ha, which inspiration
ti si Fato sasvim realna frustracija
you are, Fato, a quite real frustration